Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 1993(1993), No. 04, pp. 1-10. Title: Optimal rate of convergence for stable evaluation of differential operators Authors: C. W. Groetsch (Univ. of Cincinnati, OH, USA) O. Scherzer (Univ. Linz, Linz, Austria) Abstract: An optimal order of convergence result, with respect to the error level in the data, is given for a Tikhonov-like method for approximating values of an unbounded operator. It is also shown that if the choice of a parameter in the method is made by the discrepancy principle, then the order of convergence of the resulting method is suboptimal. Finally, a modified discrepancy principle leading to an optimal order of convergence is developed. Submitted June 14, 1993. Published October 14, 1993. Math Subject Classification: 47A58, 65J70. Key Words: Regularization; unbounded operator; optimal convergence; stable.