\def\eqn#1{\def\theequation{#1}} \documentstyle[twoside]{article} \pagestyle{myheadings} \markboth{\hfil $p$ HARMONIC FUNCTIONS \hfil EJDE--1994/03}% {EJDE--1994/03\hfil J.L. Lewis\hfil} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newcommand{\rar}{\rightarrow} \newcommand{\de}{\delta} \newcommand{\ga}{\gamma} \begin{document} \ifx\Box\undefined \newcommand{\Box}{\diamondsuit}\fi \title{\vspace{-1in}\parbox{\linewidth}{\footnotesize\noindent {\sc Electronic Journal of Differential Equations}\newline Vol. {\bf 1994}(1994), No. 03, pp. 1-4. Published July 6, 1994.\newline ISSN 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.swt.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu \newline ftp (login: ftp) or} \vspace{\bigskipamount} \\ On Critical Points of $p$ Harmonic Functions in the Plane \thanks{ {\em 1991 Mathematics Subject Classifications:} 35J70, 35B05.\newline\indent {\em Key words and phrases:} $p$ harmonic functions, $p$ Laplacian, quasiregular mappings. \newline\indent \copyright 1994 Southwest Texas State University and University of North Texas.\newline\indent Submitted: March 30, 1994.\newline\indent Supported in part by a grant from the NSF.} } \date{} \author{John L. Lewis} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We show that if $ u $ is a $p$ harmonic function, $ 1 < p < \infty, $ in the unit disk and equal to a polynomial $P $ of positive degree on the boundary of this disk, then $ \nabla u $ has at most deg$\,P - 1$ zeros in the unit disk. \end{abstract} In this note we prove the following theorem. \begin{theorem} Given $ p, 1 < p < \infty, $ let $ u $ be a real valued weak solution to \eqn* \begin{equation} \nabla \cdot ( | \nabla u |^{p-2} \nabla u ) = 0 \end{equation} in $ D = \{ ( x_1, x_2 ) : x_1^2 + x_2^2 < 1 \} \subset {\bf R^2 } $ with $ u = P $ on $ \partial \, D $ where $ P $ is a real polynomial in $ x_1, x_2 $ of degree $ m \geq 1$. Then $ \nabla u $ has at most $ m - 1 $ zeros in $ D $ counted according to multiplicity. \end{theorem} In (*), \, $ \nabla \cdot $ denotes the divergence operator while $ \nabla u $ denotes the gradient of $u. $ The above theorem answers a question in the affirmative first posed by D. Khavinson in connection with determining the extremal functions for certain linear functionals in the Bergman space of $ p $ th power integrable analytic functions on $D, \, 1 < p < \infty$. We note that the differential operator in (*) is often called the $ p $ Laplacian and it is well known (see [GT]) that solutions to this equation are infinitely differentiable (in fact real analytic) at each point where $ \nabla u \not = 0 $ while (*) is degenerate elliptic at each point where $ \nabla u = 0$. The above theorem appears to be the first of its kind to establish independent of $ p $ and the structure constants for the $ p $ Laplacian, a bound ($m$ - 1) for the number of points in $ D $ where (*) degenerates. Because of this independence we conjecture that our theorem also remains true for $ p = \infty$ and the so called $ \infty $ Laplacian (see [BBM] or [J] for definitions). Finally we remark that in [Al] a result, in the same spirit as ours, is obtained for smooth linear equations whose matrix of coefficients has determinant one. \section*{Proof of main theorem.} Consider the strong solutions, $v = v( \cdot, \epsilon, p ), $ to \eqn{**} \begin{equation} \nabla \cdot ( ( \epsilon + |\nabla v|^2 )^{\frac{p}{2} - 1} \nabla v ) = 0 \end{equation} in $ D, $ with $ v = P$ on $ \partial D$. We note that (**) implies \eqn{0} \begin{equation} Lv = (p - 2 )\sum_{j,k = 1}^2 \, v_{x_j x_k } v_{x_j} v_{x_k} + ( \epsilon + | \nabla v |^2 ) \, \Delta v = 0 \end{equation} at each point of $ D. $ Here $ \Delta $ denotes the Laplacian. From (0) and elliptic theory it follows that $ v ( \cdot, \epsilon ) $ is unique and infinitely differentiable in the closed unit disk ($ v \in C^{\infty } (\bar{D})$). Indeed this statement follows easily from Schauder's theorem (see [GT], ch 6) and induction once $ C^{1, \alpha} $ regularity of $ v $ in $ \bar{D} $ is established ( for $ C^{1, \alpha} $ regularity of $v$ see [L]). Next we introduce complex notation. Let $ z = x_1 + i x_2$, $i = \sqrt{ - 1}$, and put $ g_z = \frac12( g_{x_1} - i g_{x_2})$, $g_{\bar{z}} = \frac12(g_{x_1} + i g_{x_2})$. as usual and note from (0) as in [GT, ch 11, section 2] or [IM], that if $f(z) = f( z, \epsilon, p ) = v_z ( z )$, then $ f $ is quasiregular in $ D $ with $ k = | 1 - 2/p |$. That is $ f $ is a sense preserving mapping of $ D $ and \eqn{1} \begin{equation} | f_{\bar{z}} | \, \leq \, | 1 - 2/p | \, | f_z | \end{equation} at each point of $ D$. From the factorization theorem for quasiregular mappings (see [A, ch V ] ) we find that $ f = g \circ h $ where $ g $ is analytic in $ h ( D ) $ and $ h $ is a QC mapping of $ {\bf R^2 } $ onto itself (i.e. a quasiregular homeomorphism of ${\bf R^2 })$. Using this factorization, the argument principle for analytic functions, and $ C^1$ smoothness of $ f $ in $ \bar{D}, $ it follows that we can calculate the number of zeros of $ f $ counted according to multiplicity inside a contour $ \Gamma \subset \bar{D} $ with $ f \not = 0 $ on $ \Gamma $ (i.e the number of zeros of $g$ counted according to multiplicity inside $ h ( \Gamma ))$ by calculating \eqn{2} \begin{equation} ( 2 \pi i )^{-1} \, \int_{\Gamma} \frac{d \log f( z ( t ))}{dt} \, dt \end{equation} where $ \log f $ denotes a continuous branch of the logarithm of $f$ on $ \Gamma $ and we assume $ z = z(t) $ is a piecewise smooth parametrization of $\Gamma$ . Now we can write $ x_1, x_2 $ in terms of $ z, \bar{z} $ in the usual way and thus regard $ P $ as a function of $ z, \bar{z}$. If $ z = e^{i \theta}, \theta $ real, we note first that $ \bar{z} = z^{ - 1 } $ and second that \[ P_\theta ( z ) = i z P_z - i \bar{z} P_{\bar{z}} \] is identically equal to a rational function of degree at most $ 2 m $ on $ \partial D. $ To construct $ \Gamma $ let $ z_j = e^{i \theta_j }, j = 1, 2, \dots n $ be the distinct zeros of $ \frac{\partial P }{\partial \theta } $ on $ \partial D. $ From our note we have $ n \leq 2m. $ For small $ \de > 0 $ let $ D ( z_j, \de ) = \{ z : | z - z_j| < \de \}$ for $ 1 \leq j \leq n $. Then for $ \de $ small enough, clearly $ \partial D \setminus \cup_{i = 1}^{n} D ( z_j, \de ) $ consists of $ n $ closed arcs, say $ \cup_{i=1}^{n} \ga_i, $ oriented counterclockwise, as seen from the origin. Let $ C_j $ be the arc of $ \partial D( z_j, \de )$ that lies inside the unit circle for $ 1 \leq j \leq n $ oriented counterclockwise as seen from the origin. We put $ \Gamma = ( \cup C_j ) \cup ( \cup \ga_j )$. and shall show that the integral in (2) is $ \leq m - 1$. To this end, let $ \ga \in \{ \ga_j \} $ and note that if $ z = e^{i \theta}, $ then $ P_\theta = 2 \mbox{ Re } ( i z v_z )$. Since $ P_\theta $ does not change sign on $ \ga $ it follows that the image of $ \ga $ under $ z f = z v_z $ lies inside a halfplane whose boundary contains 0. Thus a continuous argument of $ z f $ can change by at most $ \pi $ on $ \ga $ and so \eqn{3} \begin{equation} \left| \mbox{ Re } \left[ ( 2 \pi i )^{-1} \int_{\ga} \frac{d \log [ z (t ) f( z ( t ))]}{dt} \, dt \right] \right| \leq 1/2. \end{equation} Next we consider $ C_k \in \{ C_j \} $. Recall that $ v \in C^{\infty} (\bar{D}) $. If $ v_z ( z_k ) \not = 0 $ then clearly \eqn{4} \begin{equation} \left| ( 2 \pi i )^{-1} \, \int_{C_k} \frac{d \log [ z (t ) f( z ( t ))]}{dt}\, dt \right| \rar 0 \end{equation} as $ \de \rar 0 $. Otherwise, let $ l > 1 $ be the largest positive integer such that all homogeneous Taylor polynomials of $v - v( z_k ) $ about $ z_k $ of degree less than $ l $ are identically 0 and let $ Q $ be the homogeneous Taylor polynomial of degree $l $ about $ z_k $ corresponding to $ v - v( z_k ) $. Using (0) and continuity of the derivatives of $v$ in $ \bar{D}$ we see that for $ z \in D \cap D( z_k, \de )$ \eqn{5} \begin{equation} 0 = L v (z) = O ( | z - z_k |^{ 3l - 4 } ) + \epsilon \, \Delta Q (z) \end{equation} as $ z \rar z_k, $ Now $ \Delta Q $ is either a homogeneous polynomial of degree $ l - 2 $ or $ \Delta Q \equiv 0 $. Dividing (5) by $ | z - z_k |^{l - 2} $ and taking a limit as $ z \rar z_k $ we conclude that the second possibility must occur. Thus $ Q $ is harmonic and so \, $ Q = \mbox{ Re }[ c ( z - z_k)^{l} ] $ for some complex $ c$. From this fact we conclude first that for a continuous branch of $ \log f $ on $ C_k $ we have \[ \log ( i z f(z) ) = \log[iz Q_z(z)] + o(1), \mbox{ as } \de \rar 0 \mbox{ for } z \in C_k, \] where the $ o(1) $ term is independent of $ z \in C_k$. Second we conclude \eqn{6} \begin{equation} ( 2 \pi i )^{-1} \int_{C_k} \frac{d \log [ z (t ) f( z ( t ))]}{dt} \, dt \rar - (l - 1)/2 \end{equation} as $ \de \rar 0$. Since the integral in (2) must be a nonnegative integer we see from (3) and (6) that for $ \de $ sufficiently small \eqn{7} \begin{equation} ( 2 \pi i )^{-1} \int_{\Gamma} \frac{d \log [ f( z ( t ))]}{dt}\, dt \, \leq \, m - 1 \end{equation} since there are at most $ 2 m $ members of $ \{\ga_j \} $ and the argument of $ z $ changes by $ 2 \pi $ as we go around $ \Gamma$. Finally, $ v, v_z $ considered as functions of $ \epsilon $ converge uniformly on compact subsets of $ D $ to $ u, u_z, $ for a fixed $p $ as $ \epsilon \rar 0$. These facts follow from the uniqueness of $ u $ as a solution to the $ p $ Laplacian and $ C^{1,\alpha } $ regularity of $ u, v $ (with constants independent of $ \epsilon $). Moreover from (1) it follows that $ u_z $ is quasiregular in $ D $ with $ k = | 1 - 2/p | $ (again see [IM] for these facts). From these observations, (7), and another winding number argument we find that if $ u_z \not = 0 $ on $ \{ z : | z | = r \} $ for some $r, 0 < r < 1, $ then $ u_z $ has at most $ m - 1 $ zeros in $ \{ z : | z | < r \}$. Hence our theorem is true. $ \Box $ \begin{thebibliography}{MMM} \bibitem[A]{} L.V. Ahlfors, {\em Quasiconformal Mappings,} Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, New Jersey, 1966. \bibitem[Al]{} G. Alessandrini,{\em Critical points of solutions of elliptic equations in two variables,} Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. 4 {\bf 14}(1987), 229-256. \bibitem[BBM]{} T. Bhattacharya, E. DiBenedetto, and J. 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