Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 1995(1995), No. 10, pp 1--22. Title: Existence of Positive Solutions for some Dirichlet Problems with an Asymptotically Homogeneous Operator Authors: Marta Garcia-Huidobro (Univ. Catolica de Chile) Raul Manasevich (Univ. de Chile) Pedro Ubilla (Univ. de Santiago de Chile) Abstract: Existence of positive radially symmetric solutions to a Dirichlet problem of the form $${\rm div\,} (A(|Du|)Du)=f(u) { \rm in } \Omega $$ $$ u = 0 { \rm on } \partial\Omega $$ is studied by using blow-up techniques. It is proven here that by choosing the functions $sA(s)$ and $f(s)$ among a certain class called {\em asymptotically homogeneous}, the blow-up method still provides the a-priori bounds for positive solutions. Existence is proved then by using degree theory. Submitted February 12, 1995. Published August 11, 1995. Math Subject Classification: 35J65. Key Words: Dirichlet Problem; Positive Solution; Blow up.