Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 1998(1998), No. 01, pp. 1-27. Title: Existence of continuous and singular ground states for semilinear elliptic systems Author: Cecilia S. Yarur (Univ. de Santiago de Chile, Chile) Abstract: We study existence results of a curve of continuous and singular ground states for the system $$ \eqaling{ -\Delta{u} &= {\alpha(|x|)}f(v) \cr -\Delta{v} &= \beta(|x|) g(u)\,. \cr }$$ where $x \in R^N \setminus \{0\}$, the functions $f$ and $g$ are increasing Lipschitz continuous functions in $R$, and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are nonnegative continuous functions in $R^+$. We also study general systems of the form $$ \eqaling{ \Delta u(x)+V(|x|)u+a(|x|)v^p &= 0 \cr \Delta v(x)+V(|x|)v+b(|x|)u^q &= 0\,.\cr} $$ Submitted September 3, 1997. Published January 16, 1998. Math Subject Classification: 35J60, 31A35. Key Words: Semilinear elliptic systems; ground states.