Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 1998(1998), No. 20, pp. 1-20. Title: The Schrodinger equation on non-stationary domains Author: Gunther Karner (Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany) Abstract: We investigate the dynamical effects of non-stationary boundaries on the stability of a quantum Hamiltonian system described by a periodic family $\{H(\gamma,t), t\in[0,\Gamma],\Gamma>0\}$ of Sturm-Liouville operators, a Schr\"odinger equation $i\partial_{t}\psi = H(\gamma,t)\psi$ defined on $$\Omega (a) = \left\{(t,x)\in{\Bbb R}^2 : x\in{(a(t),\infty)}, a\in{\cal C}^3({\Bbb R}),a(t)=a(t+k\Gamma), k\in{\Bbb Z}\right\}\,,$$ as well as boundary conditions at $x=a(t)$ modeled by the $\Gamma$-periodic function $\gamma$. Employing extended Hilbert space methods, stability conditions for the spectra of the evolution operators ${\cal U}(a,\gamma,\Gamma,0)$ to the families $\bigl\{H(\gamma,t)\}$ under perturbations induced by variations of boundary oscillations, respectively conditions, are derived. In particular, it is shown that the existence of a pure point finitely degenerate realization ${\cal U}(a,\hat{\gamma},\Gamma,0))$ implies pure point ${\cal U}(a,\gamma,\Gamma,0)$ for all $\gamma\in{\cal C}^1({\Bbb R}), a\in{\cal C}^3({\Bbb R})$, whereas in case of infinitely degenerate $\sigma_{pp}\bigl({\cal U}(a,\hat{\gamma},\Gamma,0)\bigr)$ the existence of $\sigma_{{\rm ac}}\bigl({\cal U}(a,\gamma,\Gamma,0)\bigr)\neq\emptyset$, respectively $\sigma_{sc}\bigl({\cal U}(a,\gamma,\Gamma,0)\bigr)\neq\emptyset$, is possible. Submitted December 18, 1997. Published July 17, 1998. Math Subject Classification: 35P05, 81Q10. Key Words: Stability of dense point spectra; boundary induced perturbations; Krein's resolvent formula.