\magnification = \magstephalf \hsize=14truecm \hoffset=1truecm \parskip=5pt \nopagenumbers \overfullrule=0pt \input amssym.def % The R for Real nunbers. \font\eightrm=cmr8 \font\eighti=cmti8 \font\eightbf=cmbx8 \headline={\ifnum\pageno=1 \hfill\else% {\tenrm\ifodd\pageno\rightheadline \else \leftheadline\fi}\fi} \def\rightheadline{EJDE--1998/25\hfil Global attractor and finite dimensionality\hfil\folio} \def\leftheadline{\folio\hfil Astaburuaga, Bisognin, Bisognin \& Fernandez \hfil EJDE--1998/25} \voffset=\baselineskip \vbox {\eightrm\noindent\baselineskip 9pt % Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol.\ {\eightbf 1998}(1998) No.~25, pp. 1--14.\hfill\break ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.swt.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu \hfil\break ftp (login: ftp) or} \footnote{}{\vbox{\hsize=10cm\eightrm\noindent\baselineskip 9pt % 1991 {\eighti Subject Classification:} 35B40. \hfil\break {\eighti Key words and phrases:} Periodic solution, global attractor, \hfil\break dimension of attractor. \hfil\break \copyright 1998 Southwest Texas State University and University of North Texas.\hfil\break Submitted April 20, 1998. Published October 13, 1998. } } \bigskip\bigskip \centerline{GLOBAL ATTRACTOR AND FINITE DIMENSIONALITY FOR} \centerline{A CLASS OF DISSIPATIVE EQUATIONS OF BBM'S TYPE} \medskip \centerline{M.A. Astaburuaga, E.~Bisognin,} \centerline{V.~Bisognin, \& C. Fernandez } \bigskip\bigskip {\eightrm\baselineskip=10pt \narrower \centerline{\eightbf Abstract} In this work we study the Cauchy problem for a class of nonlinear dissipative equations of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony's type. We discuss the existence of a global attractor and estimate its Hausdorff and fractal dimensions. \bigskip} \def\esssup{\mathop{\rm ess~sup}} \def\limsup{\mathop{\rm lim~sup}} \def\frac#1#2{{{#1}\over{#2}}} \bigbreak \centerline{\bf \S 1. Introduction} \medskip\nobreak We consider a family of dispersive equations of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony's type under the effect of dissipation, and we study the existence of a global attractor and its dimension. Our model can be written in the abstract form $$ M u_t + u_x + u u_x + \alpha L u = f\eqno(1.1) $$ where $-\infty < x < \infty$, $t\ge 0$ and $\alpha\ge 0$. The operators $M$ and $L$ can be differential operators or pseudo-differential operators, and the function $f$ is an external excitation. In the simplest case, when $M$ and $L$ are the differential operators $M = I - \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}$, $L = -\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}$, the equation (1.1) is the well-known Benjamin-Bona-Mahony model, which describes the unidirectional propagation of weakly nonlinear dispersive long waves where Burger's type dissipation is considered. If $f\equiv 0$, the existence of global solutions and asymptotic behaviour in time have been studied by several authors. The asymptotic behavior of solutions to the generalized Korteweg-de-Vries-Burgers and Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equations in one space dimension was studied by Amick, Bona and Schonbek in [3], by B.~Wang and W.~Yang in [13], and by Bona and Luo in [7]. These results were generalized by Zhang [14] to multiple spatial dimensions. In [4], [5], [6] the authors considered a family of equations of KdV and BBM's type described by pseudo-differential operators, and studied the asymptotic behaviour in one space dimension. In [8], Ghidaglia showed that the behaviour of the periodic solution of the KdV equation is described by a global attractor that has finite Hausdorff and fractal dimensions. The author obtained similar results for the Schr\"odinger equation in [9]. The aim of this work is to investigate the existence of a global attractor and estimate its dimension, using the techniques of [8], [9] and [10]. More specifically, we consider the solutions of (1.1) that are periodic in the spatial variable, that is, solutions $u(x,t)$ such that $$ u (x + \beta, t) = u (x, t)\eqno(1.2) $$ where $\beta$ is a real number. In the case that the external excitation $f$ is independent of time, and the orders of pseudo-differential operators $M$ and $L$ are $\mu$ and $s$ with $s\ge \mu\ge 2$, we show that the behaviour, for large $t$, of the infinite dimensional dynamical system (1.1) is, in fact, described by an attractor of finite dimension. In [11] B.~Wang proved the existence of a weak attractor which is also strong, working directly with the BBM equation in $H^2$. In [12], the same author proved the existence of a global attractor for the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation in $H^k$ for every integer $k\ge 2$. He also proved that the attractor has finite Hausdorff and fractal dimensions, and constructed approximate inertial manifolds. Here, we consider a family of dispersive equations of BBM's type, and we present a proof that applies in an abstract context which includes the BBM equation. We also prove that the Hausdorff dimension is finite. We shall use standard notation. By $L^q (\Omega)$ we shall denote the space of functions in $\Omega$ whose $q^{th}$ power is integrable, with the norm $\|g\|^q_{L^q} = \int_\Omega |f (x)|^q dx$, $1\le q < +\infty$. The norm in $L^2 (\Omega)$ we will denote by $\|\cdot\|_{L^2} = \|\cdot\|$. By $L^\infty (\Omega)$ we denote the space of measurable essentially bounded functions in $\Omega$ with the norm $$ \|g\|_{L^\infty} = \esssup_{x\in \Omega} \; |g (x)|\,. $$ For each $\sigma\in {\Bbb R}$ we shall denote by $H^\sigma (\Omega)$ the usual Sobolev space of order $\sigma$. By $H^\sigma_p (\Omega)$, $\sigma \ge 0$, $\Omega = (0, 1)$ we shall indicate the space of functions periodic in the sense of (1.2), with $\beta=1$. If $g\in H^\sigma_p (\Omega)$ then $g$ has an expansion in Fourier series $$ g (x) = \sum_{k\in\,{\Bbb Z}} g_k \, \exp (2k i \pi x)\,.\eqno(1.3) $$ The norm of $g$ in $H^\sigma_p (\Omega)$ will be denoted by $$ \|g\|^2_\sigma = \sum_{k\in\,{\Bbb Z}} (1 + |k|^2)^\sigma |g_k|^2,\eqno(1.4) $$ which is equivalent to $H^\sigma (\Omega)$ norm, $\sigma \ge 0$, according to Temam ([10]). We shall denote by $\dot{L}^2 (\Omega)$ and $\dot{H}^\sigma (\Omega)$ the space of functions $g\in L^2 (\Omega)$ or $H^\sigma (\Omega)$ such that $$ \int_\Omega g (x) \, dx = 0.\eqno(1.5) $$ The space $\dot{H}^\sigma_p (\Omega)$, $\sigma \in {\Bbb R}_{+}$, is the space of functions $g\in L^2 (\Omega)$ such that $g$ satisfies (1.5) and $$ \sum_{k\in\, {\Bbb Z}} (1 + |k|^2)^\sigma |g_k|^2 < +\infty\,.\eqno(1.6) $$ In $\dot{H}^1_p (\Omega)$ the Poincar\'e inequality holds, that is, if $g\in \dot{H}^1_p (\Omega)$ then $$ \|g\| \le C (\Omega)\, \|g'\|\,.\eqno(1.7) $$ The inequality (1.7) shows that $\dot{H}^1_p (\Omega)$ is a Hilbert space with scalar product of $H^1_0(\Omega)$, and $\|u\|_1 = \{ (u, u)_1\}^{1/2}$ is a norm on this space equivalent to that induced by $H^1 (\Omega)$. The operators $M$ and $L$ of (1.1) are pseudo-differential operators of orders $\mu$ and $s$, respectively, with $$ \eqalign{ &M:\; \dot{H}^\mu_p (\Omega) \; \to \; \dot{L}^2_p (\Omega),\qquad \mu\ge 1, \quad \mu\in {\Bbb R}\cr &L:\; \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega) \; \to \; \dot{L}^2_p (\Omega),\qquad s\ge 0, \quad s\in {\Bbb R}\cr} $$ and $$ \eqalignno{ M g (x) &= \sum_{k\in\, {\Bbb Z}} m (k) \, g_k \, \exp (2 k \pi i x)&(1.8)\cr L g (x) &= \sum_{k\in\, {\Bbb Z}} \ell (k) \, g_k \, \exp (2 k \pi i x)&(1.9)\cr} $$ where $m$ and $\ell$ are the principal symbols of the operators $M$ and $L$ respectively. We assume from now on that the symbols $m$ and $\ell$ are even functions of $k$ that satisfy the growth conditions: \item{(~i)} There exist constants $c_1$, $c_2 > 0$ such that $$ c_1 (1 + |k|)^\mu \le m (k) \le c_2 (1 + |k|)^\mu.\eqno(1.10) $$ \item{(ii)} There exist constants $c_3$, $c_4 > 0$ such that $$ c_3 |k|^s \le \ell (k) \le c_4 |k|^s.\eqno(1.11) $$ The domains of operators $M$ and $L$ are given by $$ \eqalign{ D (M) &= \left \{ g \in \dot{H}^\mu_p (\Omega), \; \sum_{k\in\, {\Bbb Z}} |m (k)|^2 |g_k|^2 < \infty \right \}\cr D (L) &= \left \{ g \in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega), \; \sum_{k\in\, {\Bbb Z}} |\ell (k)|^2 |g_k|^2 < \infty \right \}.\cr} $$ If $X$ is a Banach space then we denote by $C (0, T;\; X)$ the space of continuous functions $u:\; [0, T] \to X$. Various positive constants will be denoted by $C$; they may vary from line to line. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we study the existence and uniqueness of global solutions of the Cauchy problem associated to equation (1.1). Then in Section 3 we provide a priori bounds for the nonlinear semigroups given by the evolution equation, and we use them to establish the existence of a global attractor. Finally, we show in Section 4 that this set has finite Hausdorff dimension. \bigbreak \centerline{\bf \S 2. The Cauchy Problem} \medskip\nobreak In this section we consider Problem (1.1) with initial data $u (x, 0) = u_0 (x)$. We prove that the Cauchy problem is globally well-posed in the Sobolev space $\dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$ where $\Omega = (0, 1)$ and $r = \max \{ \mu, s \}$. The lemma below is useful in proving the existence of a solution. \proclaim Lemma 1.2. Let $M:\; \dot{H}^\mu_p (\Omega) \to \dot{L}^2_p (\Omega)$, $\mu \ge 1$ satisfy assumptions (1.10) above. Then \item{a)} $$ M^{-1} \; \hbox{ exists.} \eqno(2.1)$$ \item{b)} $M^{-1} \left ( \frac{dg}{dx} \right ) \in \dot{H}^\mu_p (\Omega)$ whenever $g\in \dot{H}^\mu_p (\Omega)$ and there exists a constant $C>0$ such that $$ \| M^{-1} \,\frac{dg}{dx} \|_\mu \le C \, \|g\|_\mu.\eqno(2.2) $$ \noindent The proof of this lemma follows directly from the definition and (1.10). \proclaim{Theorem 2.1 (Local Existence)}. Let $u_0 \in \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$ with $r = \max \{ \mu, s \}$, $\mu \ge 2$, $s\ge 0$. Assume $f\in \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$, and suppose $M$ and $L$ satisfy the assumptions (1.10), (1.11). Then, for each $T > 0$, there exists a unique function $u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}_p^{\mu/2} (\Omega))$, with $u$ and $u_t$ in the class $C (0, T;\;\dot{H}^r_p (\Omega))$, that solves (1.1) in $\Omega \times [0, T]$ with $u (x, 0) = u_0(x)$. The mapping that associates to $u_0\in \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$ the solution of (1.1) is continuous from $\dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$ to $C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega))$. \noindent{\bf Proof } First, we consider the linear problem $$\displaylines{ \hfill w_t + \alpha M^{-1} L w = 0 \hfill\llap{(2.3)} \cr w (x, 0) = u_0 (x) \in \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)\cr} $$ that has a unique solution $w$ given by $w (x, t) = E (t) u_0 (x)$, where $\{ E (t) \}_{t\ge 0}$ is the strongly continuous semigroup of linear operators generated by $A = -\alpha M^{-1} L$, $\alpha> 0$. The solution $w$ lies in the class $C (0, \infty;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$ and $w_t$ lies in $C (0, \infty;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$. Next, we consider the nonlinear problem (1.1). Using Lemma 1.2 and the observations concerning the solution of (2.3), we can write the integral equation associated with (1.1): $$ u (x, t) = E (t) u_0(x) - \int^t_0 E (t - \sigma) M^{-1} \, \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \, \left ( u + \frac{u^2}{2} \right ) \, d\sigma + \int^t_0 E (t - \sigma) M^{-1} f\, d\sigma.\eqno(2.4) $$ Let $R>0$, $T>0$, and define the space of functions $$ y_R (T) = \left\{ \sup_{[0,T]} w\in C (0, T;\,\dot{H}^r_p (\Omega) : \sup_{[0, T]} \|w (\cdot, t) - E (t) u_0(\cdot)\|_r \le R, \, w (x, 0) = u_0(x)\right\}. $$ We define the map $P:\; y_R (T) \to C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^r_p(\Omega)$ by $$ Pw (x,t) = E (t) u_0(x) - \int^t_0 E (t - \sigma) M^{-1} \, \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \, \left ( u + \frac{u^2}{2} \right ) \, d\sigma + \int^t_0 E (t-\sigma) M^{-1} f\, d\sigma\eqno(2.5) $$ for all $0\le t \le T$. Using well-known techniques we can easily prove that $P$ is a contraction as long as $T = T_0$ is chosen sufficiently small. Thus, $P$ has a fixed point, which gives us a local solution of the integral equation (2.4). Next, since $u$ satisfies equation (2.4), we can calculate $u_t$ explicitly and obtain that $u$ satisfies (1.1) with $u (x, 0) = u_0(x)$, and that $u_t \in C (0,T_0;\; \dot{H}^r_p(\Omega))$. Multiplying equation (1.1) by $u$, integrating in space, and using Poincar\'e and H\"older's inequalities and (1.10)--(1.11), we obtain the estimate $$ \|u (\cdot, t)\|^2_{\mu/2} + \frac{\alpha}{c_1} \, \int^t_0 \, \|L^{1/2} u (\cdot, \sigma)\|^2 \, d\sigma \le C \, \|f\|^2 \, T + \|u_0\|^2_{\mu/2}\eqno(2.6) $$ for all $0\le t\le T$ and $\mu\ge 2$. Therefore, $u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^{\mu/2}_p (\Omega)$, $\mu\ge 2$. Multiplying equation (1.1) by $Mu$, integrating in space, using Poincar\'e and H\"older's inequalities and properties (1.10)--(1.11), we have $$ \|u (\cdot, t)\|^2_\mu + C_0 \int^t_0 \|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u\|^2 \, d\sigma \le C_1 \,\|u_0\|^2_\mu + \|f\|^2 T + C_2 \int^t_0 \|u (\cdot, \sigma)\|^2_\mu d\sigma. $$ From Gronwall's inequality $$ \|u (\cdot, t)\|^2_\mu \le C \, \left ( \|u_0\|_\mu, \|f\|, T \right ) \; e^{C_2 T}.\eqno(2.7) $$ Therefore, if $s\le \mu$ then $r=\mu$ and consequently $u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$. Now, suppose that $s > \mu \ge 2$. Multiplying equation (1.1) by $u_t$, integrating in space and using the results above, we obtain $$ \frac12 \, \|M^{1/2} u_t\|^2 + \frac{\alpha}{2} \; \frac{d}{dt} \, \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|, T \right ) + \|L^{1/2} u\|^2. $$ Gronwall's inequality and (2.6) imply that $u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}_p^{\frac{s}{2}} (\Omega)$ for $s > \mu \ge 2$ and all $0 \le t \le T$. Finally, multiplying equation (1.1) by $Lu_t$ and using the same sequence of ideas, we obtain $$ \frac12 \, \|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u_t\|^2 + \frac{\alpha}{2} \; \frac{d}{dt} \, \|Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|, + \|u_0\|_r, T \right ) + C_1 \|Lu\|^2. $$ From Gronwall's inequality and (2.6) we get $$ u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega) \; \hbox{ for } \; s > \mu \ge 2 \; \hbox{ and all } \; 0 \le t \le T. $$ Since we know that $u\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$, we can use the integral equation (2.4) to find $u_t$, and it follows from these that $u_t\in C (0, T;\; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$. Uniqueness is a direct consequence of Gronwall's inequality. \bigbreak \centerline{\bf \S 3. Existence of a global attractor} \medskip\nobreak In this section we study the existence of a global attractor. The first step is to prove the existence of an absorbing set in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu \ge 2$. We consider the Cauchy problem $$ \displaylines{ Mu_t + u_x + uu_x + \alpha Lu = f \cr \hfill u (x, 0) = u_0(x) \hfill\llap{(3.1)}\cr u (x + 1,\, t) = u (x, t).\cr} $$ If the function $f$ is time independent, the system (3.1) is autonomous, and for each $t\in {\Bbb R}^+$ we define the mapping $$ \eqalignno{ E (t):\; &\dot{H}^r_p (\Omega) \; \to \; \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)\cr &u_0\; \mapsto \; E (t) u_0= u (x,t).&(3.2)\cr} $$ The family $\{ E (t) \}_{t\in{\Bbb R}^{+}}$ forms a semigroup. \proclaim Proposition 3.1. If $E (t)$ is the mapping defined in (3.2), then there exists a constant $C = C (\|u_0\|_r, \|f\|_r, T)$ such that $$ \sup_{0\le t\le T} \|E (t)\, u_0\|_r \le C \left ( \|u_0\|_r, \|f\|_r, T \right ) $$ with $u_0\in \dot{H}^r_p (\Omega)$, $f\in \dot{H}^r_p(\Omega)$, $r = \max \{ \mu, s \}$, $\mu \ge 2$, $s\ge 2$. \noindent The proof of this proposition follows directly from Theorem 2.1. The next result is related to the existence of bounded absorbing set for semigroup $\{ E (t) \}_{t\ge 0}$ in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu\ge 2$. \proclaim Proposition 3.2. Let $f\in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu\ge 2$. There exists a constant $\rho_0 = \rho_0 (\|f\|_0)$ such that for every $R>0$ there exists $T>0$, $T = T (R)$ such that $$ \|E (t) u_0\|_s \le \rho_0 \; \hbox{ for all } \; u_0\in \dot{H}^s_{per} (\Omega) \; \hbox{ with } \; \|u_0\|_s \le R $$ and $t\ge T (R)$, where $E (t) u_0(x) = u (x, t)$ is the solution of Cauchy problem (3.1). \noindent{\bf Proof } Multiplying the equation in (3.1) by $u$ and integrating in $(\Omega)$, we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \; \|M^{1/2} u\|^2 + \alpha\|L^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C\, \|f\|^2.\eqno(3.3) $$ Poincar\'e's inequality and the fact that $s\ge \mu$ imply that $\|M^{1/2} u\| \le C \|L^{1/2} u\|$. Therefore, there exists a constant $\beta>0$ such that $$ \frac{d}{dt} \; \|M^{1/2} u\|^2 + \beta \, \|M^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C \, \|f\|^2.\eqno(3.4) $$ From (3.4) and properties (1.10)--(1.11) we obtain $$ \|u (t)\|^2_{\mu/2} \le C_0 \, \|u_0\|^2_{\mu/2} e^{-\beta t} + C\, \|f\|^2 \left ( 1 - e^{-\beta t} \right ) \le C_0 R^2 e^{-\beta t} + C \|f\|^2 (1 - e^{-\beta t}).\eqno(3.5) $$ This shows that $E(t) u_0$ is uniformly bounded in ${\dot H}^{\mu/2}_p (\Omega)$ and $$ \| u (t)\|^2_{\mu/2} \le C \|f\|^2 = \rho^2_1\eqno(3.6) $$ for all $t \ge T_0 (R) = \frac{1}{\beta} \, \ln \, \frac{C_0 R^2}{C\|f\|^2}$. Multiplying the equation (3.1) by $Mu$ and integrating in $\Omega$, we have, for all $t \ge T_0 (R)$, $$ \frac{d}{dt} \, \|Mu\|^2 + 2\alpha\|L^{1/2} Mu^{1/2} u\|^2 = 2\int_\Omega f \, Mu\, dx - 2 \int_\Omega uu_x Mu \,dx.\eqno(3.7) $$ Using H\"older's inequality and the embedding ${\dot H}_p^{\mu/2} (\Omega) \hookrightarrow L^\infty (\Omega)$, $\mu\ge 2$, we deduce from (3.7) that $$ \frac{d}{dt} \, \|Mu\|^2 + 2\alpha\|L^{1/2} Mu^{1/2} u\|^2 \le 2 \|f\|\, \|Mu\| + 2 \|u\|_{L^\infty} \|u_x\|\, \|Mu\|.\eqno(3.8) $$ Therefore, for $\mu\ge 2$ we have $$ \eqalignno{ \frac{d}{dt} \, \|Mu\|^2 + 2\alpha\|L^{1/2} Mu^{1/2} u\|^2 &\le 2 \|f\|\, \|Mu\| + C \|u\|^2_{\mu/2} \|Mu\|\cr &\le \left ( 2 \|f\| + C \|u\|^2_{\mu/2} \right ) \, \|Mu\|.&(3.9)\cr} $$ Poincar\'e's inequality implies that $$ \|Mu\| \le C \|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u\| \; \hbox{ for } \; u\in {\dot H}^s_p (\Omega),\qquad s\ge \mu \ge 2.\eqno(3.10) $$ From (3.10) we have for (3.9) $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Mu\|^2 + 2\alpha\|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\| + C \|u\|^2_{\mu/2} \right ) \|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u\|. $$ Using the inequality $ab\le \frac{a^2}{2} + \frac{b^2}{2}$, we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Mu\|^2 + \alpha\|L^{1/2} M^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\| + C \|u\|^2_{\mu/2} \right )^2. $$ From (3.10) and (3.6) it follows that $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Mu\|^2 + \beta_1 \|Mu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\| + \rho^2_1 \right )^2,\qquad \beta_1 > 0,\eqno(3.11) $$ and for all $t\ge T_0$ we obtain $$ \|Mu\|^2 \le \|Mu (T_0)\|^2 e^{-\beta_1 (t - T_0)} + C \left ( \|f\| + \rho_1^2 \right )^2 \left ( 1 - e^{-\beta_1 (t - T_0)} \right ).\eqno(3.12) $$ We choose $T_1 = T_1 (R) \ge T_0 (R)$ such that $$ \|Mu (T_0)\|^2 e^{-\beta_1 (t - T_0)} \le C (\|f\| + \rho^2_1)^2\eqno(3.13) $$ holds for every $u_0$ satisfying $\|u_0\|_s \le R$, $s \ge \mu \ge 2$. This is possible since we know from (2.7) that $\|u (T_0)\|_\mu$ is bounded by a quantity that only depends on $R$ and the data of the problem. Then, according to (3.12) and (3.13), $$ \|Mu (t)\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\| + \rho^2_1 \right )^2 = \rho^2_2 \; \hbox{ for all } \; t\ge T_1 (R).\eqno(3.14) $$ If $s = \mu \ge 2$ the proof is concluded. We now consider the case $s > \mu \ge 2$. Taking into account Lemma~1.2, we can write the equation (3.1) as $$ u_t + M^{-1} u_x + M^{-1} (uu_x) + \alpha M^{-1} Lu = M^{-1} f.\eqno(3.15) $$ Multiplying (3.15) by $Lu$ and integrating in space, we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 + 2\alpha\|M^{1/2} Lu\|^2 = 2 \left [ \left ( M^{-1} f, Lu \right ) - \left ( M^{-1} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right ), Lu \right ) \right ].\eqno(3.16) $$ Integrating by parts and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality yields $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 + 2\alpha\|M^{-\frac12} Lu\|^2 \le 2 \left [ \|M^{-\frac12} f\|\, \|M^{-\frac12} Lu\| + \| M^{-\frac12} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right )\|\, \|M^{-\frac12} Lu\| \right ]. $$ Using the inequality $ab\le \frac{a^2}{2} + \frac{b^2}{2}$, we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 + \alpha\|M^{-\frac12} Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|M^{-\frac12} f\|^2 + \| M^{-\frac12} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right )\|^2 \right ). \eqno(3.17) $$ From (1.10) we obtain $$ \|M^{-\frac12} f\| \le C \|f\|.\eqno(3.18) $$ For $\mu\ge 2$ and the embedding ${\dot H}^\mu_p (\Omega) \hookrightarrow L^\infty (\Omega)$, it follows that $$ \| M^{-\frac12} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right )\|^2 \le \|u^2\|^2 \le C \|u\|^2_{L^\infty} \|u\|^2 \le C \|u\|^4_\mu.\eqno(3.19) $$ From (3.19), (3.18), and (3.14), we have for (3.17) $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 + \alpha\|M^{-\frac12} Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2 + \rho^4_2 \right ) \hbox{ for all } \; t\ge T_1.\eqno(3.20) $$ On the other hand, Poincar\'e's inequality implies $$ \|M^{-\frac12} Lu\|^2 \ge C \|L^{\frac12} u\|\; \hbox{ for } \; s > \mu \ge 2. \eqno(3.21) $$ Therefore, from (3.21) we have for (3.20) $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 + \beta_2 \|L^{1/2} u\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2 + \rho^4_2 \right ) \eqno(3.22) $$ for all $t \ge T_1$. Integrating (3.22) in time for $t\ge T_1$ we obtain $$ |L^{1/2} u (t)\|^2 \le \|L^{\frac12} u (T_1)\|^2 e^{-\beta_2 (t - T_1)} + C \left ( \|f\|^2 + \rho^4_2 \right )\, \left ( 1 - e^{-\beta_2 (t - T_1)} \right ).\eqno(3.23) $$ As in (3.13), we choose $T_2 = T_2 (R) \ge T_1 (R)$ such that $$ \|L^{1/2} u (T_1)\|^2 e^{-\beta_2 (t - T_1)} \le C \left ( \|f\|^2 + \rho^4_2 \right ). \eqno(3.24) $$ Therefore, from (3.24) we have $$ \|L^{1/2} u (t)\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2 + \rho^4_2 \right ) = \rho^2_3 \; \hbox{ for all } \; t\ge T_2.\eqno(3.25) $$ Next, we consider the equation $$ Lu_t + L M^{-1} u_x + LM^{-1} (uu_x) + \alpha LM^{-1} Lu = LM^{-1} f.\eqno(3.26) $$ Multiplying (3.26) by $Lu$ and integrating in space we obtain, after integration by parts and the use of H\"older's inequality, $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Lu\|^2 + \alpha\|M^{-\frac12} L^{\frac{3}{2}} u\|^2 \le C \left ( \|M^{-\frac12} L^{1/2} f\|^2 + \| L^{1/2} M^{-\frac12} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right )\|^2 \right ).\eqno(3.27) $$ From (1.10) and (1.11) we have $$ \|M^{-1/2} L^{1/2} f\| \le C \|f\|_{\frac{s}{2}}\eqno(3.28) $$ and $$ \| M^{-1/2} L^{1/2} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left ( \frac{u^2}{2} \right )\| \le C \|u^2\|_{s/2}\le C \|u\|^2_{s/2} \eqno(3.29) $$ because ${\dot H}^s_p (\Omega)$ is an algebra for $s\ge 1$. Using (3.28), (3.29), and Poincar\'e's inequality, we obtain for (3.27) $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Lu\|^2 + \beta_3 \|Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2_{s/2} + \|u\|^2_{s/2} \right ),\qquad \forall t\ge T_2.\eqno(3.30) $$ From (3.25) we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \|Lu\|^2 + \beta_3 \|Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2_{\frac{s}{2}} + \rho^2_3 \right ),\qquad \forall t\ge T_2 $$ and $$ \|Lu\|^2 \le \|Lu (T_2)\|^2 e^{-\beta_3 (t - T_2)} + C \left ( \|f\|^2_{s/2} + \rho^2_3 \right )\, \left ( 1 - e^{-\beta_3 (t - T_2)} \right )\eqno(3.31) $$ for all $t\ge T_2$. Choosing $T = T (R) \ge T_2 (R)$, we have $$ \|Lu\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|^2_{s/2} + \rho^2_3 \right ) = \rho^2_4 \; \hbox{ for all } \; t\ge T. $$ On the other hand, we know that $\|u\| \le \rho_1$; therefore, $$ \|u\|^2 + \|Lu\|^2 \le \rho_1^2 + \rho^2_4. $$ Using (1.11) we deduce that $$ \|u\|^2_s \le C \, (\rho^2_1 + \rho^2_4) = \rho^2_0 \; \hbox{ for all } \; t \ge T (R). $$ This completes the proof of Proposition 3.2. \medskip Proposition 3.2 shows that $E (t)\, u_0$ is uniformly bounded in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, for $s\ge \mu \ge 2$ and every $t \ge T (R)$, when $\|u_0\|_s \le R$. In other words, every solution with initial data $u_0$ in the ball $\{ \|u_0\|_s \le R \}$ is absorbed at time $t \ge T (R)$, by the ball $$ B_0 = \left \{ v \in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega), \qquad \|v\|_s \le\rho_0 \right \}. $$ It is natural to consider then the $w$-limit set of $B_0$, which is defined as $$ w (B_0) = \bigcap_{\ell \ge 0} \; \overline{\cup_{t\ge \ell} E (t) B_0}, $$ where the closure is taken in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. In order to obtain the existence of a global attractor for the equation (1.1), we next prove that the flow $E (t)$ is uniformly compact, for $t$ large. \proclaim Proposition 3.3. Let $f\in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu\ge 2$. For every bounded set $B$ of $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ there exists $T>0$, $T = T (B)$, such that $\cup_{t\ge T} E (t) B$ is relatively compact in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. \noindent{\bf Proof } The idea is to prove that $E (t) = E_1 (t) + E_2 (t)$, where the operator $E_1 (\cdot)$ is uniformly compact for $t$ large, and the norm of $E_2 (\cdot)$ as a bounded operator goes to zero as $t\to\infty$. Decompose the solution $u$ of (1.1) as $u = v + w$, where $v (x, t) = E_2 (t) v (x, 0)$ is the solution of the linear problem $$\displaylines{ \hfill M v_t + v_x + \alpha L v = 0 \hfill\llap{(3.32)}\cr v (x, 0) = u_0(x),\cr} $$ and $w = w (x, t)$ is the solution to $$\displaylines{ \hfill M w_t + w_x + \alpha L w = f - u u_x \hfill\llap{(3.33)}\cr w (x, 0) = 0.\cr} $$ In order to prove that $E_2 (t)$ has decaying norm we consider the equation $$ L v_t + L M^{-1} v_x + \alpha L M^{-1} Lv = 0.\eqno(3.34) $$ Multiplying by $Lv$, integrating in $\Omega$, and using the properties of operators $M$ and $L$, we obtain $$ \|E_2 (t)\|_{{\cal L} (\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega), \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega))} \le C_0\, e^{-Ct},\qquad \forall t \ge 0.\eqno(3.35) $$ Now consider the equation $$ LM w_t + L w_x + \alpha LLw = Lf - L (uu_x). $$ Multiplying by $Lw$ and using the properties of operators $M$ and $L$ and the fact that $\|u (t)\|_s \le \rho_0$, we have $$ \frac{d}{dt} \, \|L M^{1/2} w\|^2 + \beta_5 \|L M^{1/2} w\|^2 \le C \left ( \|f\|_s, \rho_0 \right ),\qquad \beta_5 > 0.\eqno(3.36) $$ From (3.36) we can conclude that $w$ is uniformly bounded in $\dot{H}_p^{\frac{\mu}{2} + s} (\Omega)$. Using the compact embedding from $\dot{H}_p^{\frac{\mu}{2} + s} (\Omega)$ into $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ it follows that $\cup_{t\ge T} E_1 (t) \, B$ is relatively compact in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. The proposition follows as in the proof of Theorem~1.1, Chapter~1 of Temam [10]. \proclaim Theorem 3.2. Let $f$, $u_0\in \dot{H}^s_p(\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu \ge 2$. Then the semigroup $\{ E (t) \}_{t\ge 0}$ has a global attractor ${\cal A} = w (B)$ in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. The set ${\cal A}$ is compact in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ and has the properties: \item{~i)} The set ${\cal A}$ is invariant under $E (t)$, that is, $E (t) \, {\cal A} = {\cal A}$, $\forall t\ge 0$. \item{ii)} For every bounded set $B$ in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $d (E (t) B, {\cal A}) \to 0$ as $t \to +\infty$. The proof this theorem is a consequence of Temam [10], Theorem~1.1, Chapter~I. \bigbreak \centerline{\bf \S 4. Dimension of the global attractor} \medskip\nobreak Our aim in this section is to study the finite dimensionality of the global attractor. In the first part we shall prove the differentiability property of $E (t)$ and in the second part we will establish the finite dimension of the attractor. We consider the following non-autonomous evolution equation, which corresponds to a linearized version of the equation (1.1): $$\displaylines{ Mv_t + v_x + (uv)_x + \alpha Lv = 0\cr \hfill v (x, 0) = v_0 (x) \hfill\llap{(4.1)}\cr v (x + 1, t) = v (x, t)\cr} $$ where $u (t) = E (t) u_0$, $u_0\in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ is a trajectory solution of (1.1), and $v_0 \in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. It is not difficult to prove that, since $u\in C^1 ([0, \infty); \; \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega))$, the problem (4.1) has a unique solution $v\in C^1 ([0, \infty);\; \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega))$. Next we show, with the aid of the linearized problem (4.1), that the linear mapping $(DE (t) u_0) \, v_0 \equiv v (t)$ is the uniform differential of $E (t)$. \proclaim Theorem 4.1. For every $0 < R$, $T < \infty$, there exists a positive constant $C = C(R, T)$ such that for all $u_0$, $v_0 \in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s \ge \mu \ge 2$, that satisfy $\|u_0\|_s \le R$, $\|u_0+ v_0\|_s \le R$ and $0\le t \le T$, we have $$ \|E (t) (u_0+ v_0) - E (t) u_0- (DE (t) u_0)\, v_0\|_s \le C \|v_0\|^2_s. $$ \noindent{\bf Proof } Let $u_0$, $v_0\in \dot{H}^s_p(\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu\ge 2$, with $\|u_0\|_s \le R$, $\|u_0+ v_0\|_s \le R$. We consider the solutions $u_1 (t) = E (t) u_0$, $u_2 (t) = E (t) (u_0+ v_0)$ and $v (t) = (DE (t) u_0) \,v_0$. Then $w = u_2 - u_1 - v$ satisfies the problem $$\displaylines{\hfill Mw_t + w_x + u_2 u_{1x} - (u_1 v)_x + \alpha Lw = 0 \hfill\llap{(4.2)}\cr w (0) = 0.\cr} $$ Since $u_1$, $u_2$, $v\in C^1 ([0, \infty); \; \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega))$, we may use the sequence of ideas in the proof of Theorem~2.1 to obtain $$ \|w\|^2_s \le C (R, T) \|v_0\|^2 $$ for the solution $w$ of the problem (4.2). Therefore, $E (t)$ is uniformly differentiable in the bounded sets of $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. \hfill$\diamondsuit$ \medskip Now we study how the operators $D (E (t)) \, u_0$ transform the $m$-dimensional volumes in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu \ge 2$ where $u_0\in {\cal A}$. Let $v^1_0$, $v^2_0, \cdots, v^m_0$ in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. We study the evolution of the quantities $$ \|v^1 (t) \wedge \cdots \wedge v^m (t)\|^2_s = \det_{1\le i, j\le m} \; (v^i (t), v^j (t))_s\eqno(4.3) $$ where $v^i (t) = (D E (t) u_0)\, v^i_0$. The expression (4.3) is the Gram determinant, and it represents the square of $m!$-times the volume of the $m$-dimensional polyhedron defined by the vectors $v^1 (t), \cdots, v^m (t)$. The aim is to show that for sufficiently large $m$ this determinant decays exponentially as $t \to +\infty$. More precisely, we consider an invariant set $X$ which is bounded in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu \ge 2$. We have: \proclaim Theorem 4.2. Let $X \subset \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ be an invariant bounded set. Assume $s\ge \mu \ge 2$. Then there exist positive constants $b_0$, $b_1$, $\gamma$ such that for every $u_0\in X$, $t\ge 0$ and integer $m\ge 1$, the functions $v^i (t) = (DE (t) u_0) \, v^i_0$ satisfy $$ \|v^1 (t) \wedge \cdots \wedge v^m (t)\|_s \le \|v^1_0 \wedge \cdots v^m_0\|_s \, b^{-m}_1 \exp \, (b_0 m^{1-2\mu} - \gamma m) \, t $$ for all $v^i_0 \in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. \noindent{\bf Proof } We consider $w^i (t) = v^i (t) \, e^{\gamma t}$, where $\gamma > 0$ is to be chosen. For simplicity, we omit the index $i$ in this part of the proof. Clearly, $w (t)$ is the unique solution of $$\displaylines{\hfill Mw_t + w_x + (uw)_x + \alpha Lw - \gamma Mw = 0\hfill\llap{(4.4)}\cr w (0) = v_0.\cr} $$ Since $M$ is invertible, we have that $$ Lw_t + L M^{-1} w_x + L M^{-1} (uw)_x + \alpha L M^{-1} Lw - \gamma Lw = 0.\eqno(4.5) $$ Multiplying (4.5) by $Lw$ and integrating in space gives $$ \frac{d}{dt} \; \|Lw\|^2_0 + 2 \left ( LM^{-1} (uw)_x, Lw \right ) + 2 \alpha \|M^{-1/2} L^{3/2} w\|^2 - 2\gamma \|Lw\|^2 = 0\,.\eqno(4.6) $$ Since $\|Lw\| \le C \|M^{-{1/2}} L^{3/2} w\|$, we can choose $\gamma > 0$ such that $$ \gamma \, \|Lw\|^2 \le 2\alpha\, \|M^{-1/2} L^{3/2} w\|^2. $$ Hence, $$ \frac{d}{dt} \, \|Lw\|^2 \le -2 \, \left ( L M^{-1} (uw)_x, Lw \right ). $$ We now consider the following quadratic forms on $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$: $$ g (\xi) = \|L\xi\|^2, $$ and $$ z (t, \xi) = -2 \, \langle LM^{-1} \, (u (t) \, \xi)_x, \; L\xi \rangle \eqno(4.7) $$ for any $t$. Clearly, by Poincar\'e's inequality there exist nonnegative numbers $b_3$ and $b_4$ such that $$ b_3 \, \|\xi\|^2_s \le g (\xi) \le b_4 \, \|\xi\|^2_s, $$ for all $\xi\in \dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. Moreover, the function $t \to g \, (e^{\gamma t} (DE (t) \, u_0) \, v_0) = g (w (t))$ is differentiable and its derivative satisfies $$ \frac{d}{dt} \, g (w (t)) \le z (t, w (t)). $$ On the other hand, since the order of $M$ is $\mu \ge 2$, we have that $M^{-\frac12} \, \frac{d}{dx}$ is a bounded operator and therefore, by the Schwarz inequality, (4.7) implies that $$ |z (t, \xi)| \le C \|\xi\|_s \|M^{-1/2} \xi\|_s = C \|\xi\|_s \, \left ( M^{-1} \xi, \xi \right )_s^{1/2} $$ where we have used that $u(t)$ is bounded in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ and also in $L^\infty (\Omega)$. We note that $M^{-1}$ is a continuous linear operator from $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ to $\dot{H}^{s+\mu}_p (\Omega)$ and, therefore, it is a compact operator on $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$. The hypotheses of Theorem A in the appendix of the paper [8] by Ghidaglia are then fulfilled, where we have taken $\alpha= b_3$, $\beta = b_4$, $\sigma = \frac12$, $q = g$, $r = z$ and $K = M^{-1}$. Here we are using an extension of this theorem to the case where $\frac{dg}{dt} \le r$ (instead of $\frac{dg}{dt} = r$), which follows immediately from the arguments given in [8] (pg.~387). Thus, $$ \det \, (w^i (t), w^j (t))_s \le \left ( \frac{b_4}{b_3} \right )^m \, \exp\left\{\frac{Ct}{b_3} \, \sum^m_{\ell=1} \, K_\ell\right\} \, \det \, (v^i_0, v^j_0)_s, $$ where $\{ K_\ell \}^\infty_{\ell=1}$ are the eigenvalues of the operator $M^{-1}$, namely $K_\ell = (1 + C \ell^{2\mu})^{-1}$. Since $\sum^m_{\ell=1} \, K_\ell \le C m^{1-2\mu}$, we conclude that $$ \det_{1\le ij\le m} \left ( w^i (t), w^j (t) \right )_s \le C e^{Ct m^{1-2\mu}} \det_{1\le i, j \le m} (v^i_0, v^j_0)_s. $$ The theorem follows from the fact that $w^i (t) = e^{\gamma t} v^i (t)$. \proclaim Theorem 4.3. The global attractor ${\cal A}$ has finite fractal and Hausdorff dimensions in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$, $s\ge \mu \ge 2$. \noindent{\bf Proof } This result is a consequence of an abstract result according to [8]. The main idea is to apply Theorem 4.2 with $X = {\cal A}$ and to choose $m$ such that $b_0 m^{1-2\mu} - \gamma m < 0$, that is, $m > \left ( \frac{b_0}{\gamma} \right )^{\frac{1}{2\mu}}$. For such $m$, according to Theorem 4.2, the mapping $DE (t) u_0$ contracts $m$-dimensional volumes in $\dot{H}^s_p (\Omega)$ for sufficiently large $t$, uniformly for $u_0\in {\cal A}$. With this result, according to Temam [10], Chapter V, and Ghidaglia [8], Theorem~3.2, it follows that ${\cal A}$ has finite fractal dimension. \bigskip \noindent{\bf Acknowledgments} The authors' research is partially financed by grants Fondecyt 1940700, CNPq 910089/94-9 and FAPERGS 93/3051-7. 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