Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2000(2000), No. 31, pp. 1-25. Title: The limiting equation for Neumann Laplacians on shrinking domains Author: Yoshimi Saito (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA) Abstract: Let $\{\Omega_{\epsilon} \}_{0 < \epsilon \le1}$ be an indexed family of connected open sets in ${\mathbb R}^2$, that shrinks to a tree $\Gamma$ as $\epsilon$ approaches zero. Let $H_{\Omega_{\epsilon}}$ be the Neumann Laplacian and $f_{\epsilon}$ be the restriction of an $L^2(\Omega_1)$ function to $\Omega_{\epsilon} $. For $z \in {\mathbb C}\backslash [0, \infty)$, set $u_{\epsilon} = (H_{\Omega_{\epsilon}} - z)^{-1}f_{\epsilon} $. Under the assumption that all the edges of $\Gamma$ are line segments, and some additional conditions on $\Omega_{\epsilon}$, we show that the limit function $u_0 = \lim_{\epsilon\to 0} u_{\epsilon}$ satisfies a second-order ordinary differential equation on $\Gamma$ with Kirchhoff boundary conditions on each vertex of $\Gamma $. Submitted March 9, 2000. Published April 26, 2000. Math Subject Classifications: 35J05, 35Q99. Key Words: Neumann Laplacian; tree; shrinking domains.