Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2000(2000), No. 38, pp. 1-17. Title: The maximum principle for equations with composite coefficients Author: Gary M. Lieberman (Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA) Abstract: It is well-known that the maximum of the solution of a linear elliptic equation can be estimated in terms of the boundary data provided the coefficient of the gradient term is either integrable to an appropriate power or blows up like a small negative power of distance to the boundary. Apushkinskaya and Nazarov showed that a similar estimate holds if this term is a sum of such functions provided the boundary of the domain is sufficiently smooth and a Dirichlet condition is prescribed. We relax the smoothness of the boundary and also consider non-Dirichlet boundary conditions using a variant of the method of Apushkinskaya and Nazarov. In addition, we prove a Holder estimate for solutions of oblique derivative problems for nonlinear equations satisfying similar conditions. Submitted April 24, 2000. Published May 22, 2000. Math Subject Classifications: 35J25, 35B50, 35J65, 35B45, 35K20. Key Words: elliptic differential equations; oblique boundary conditions; maximum principles; Holder estimates; Harnack inequality; parabolic differential equations