Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2000(2000), No. 66, pp. 1-34. Title: Exactness results for generalized Ambrosetti-Brezis-Cerami problem and related one-dimensional elliptic equations Authors: I. Addou (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) A. Benmezai (USTHB -Institut de Mathematiques, Algeria) S. M. Bouguima (Univ. of Tlemcen, Algeria) M. Derhab (Univ. Djilali Liabes, Algeria) Abstract: We consider the boundary-value problem $$ \displaylines{ -(\varphi _{p}(u'))' =\varphi _{\alpha }(u) +\lambda \varphi _{\beta }(u) \quad\hbox{in }(0, 1) \cr u(0) =u(1)=0, } $$ where $\varphi _{p}(x)=\left| x\right| ^{p-2}x$, $p,\alpha ,\beta >1$ and $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}^*$. We give the exact number of solutions for all $\lambda$ and most values of $\alpha ,\beta, p>1$. In the particular case where $1<\beta