Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2001(2001), No. 09, pp. 1-14. Title: Multiple solutions to some singular nonlinear Schrodinger equations Author: Monica Lazzo (Univ. di Bari, Italy) Abstract: We consider the equation $$ - h^2 \Delta u + V_\varepsilon(x) u = |u|^{p-2} u $$ which arises in the study of standing waves of a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We allow the potential $V_\varepsilon$ to be unbounded below and prove existence and multiplicity results for positive solutions. Submitted October 3, 2000. Published January 22, 2001. Math Subject Classifications: 35Q55, 35J20, 58E05. Key Words: nonlinear Schrodinger equations; singular potentials; variational methods; Ljusternik--Schnirelman category.