\documentclass[reqno]{amsart} \AtBeginDocument{{\noindent\small {\em Electronic Journal of Differential Equations}, Vol. 2003(2003), No. 110, pp. 1--4.\newline ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu \newline ftp ejde.math.txstate.edu (login: ftp)} \thanks{\copyright 2003 Texas State University-San Marcos.} \vspace{9mm}} \begin{document} \title[\hfilneg EJDE--2003/110\hfil Existence of large solutions via sub and supersolutions] {A remark on the existence of large solutions via sub and supersolutions} \author[Jorge Garc\'{\i}a-Meli\'an\hfil EJDE--2003/110\hfilneg] {Jorge Garc\'{\i}a-Meli\'an} \address{Dpto. de An\'alisis Matem\'atico, Universidad de La Laguna, c. Astrof\'{\i}sico Francisco S\'anchez s/n, 38271 - La Laguna, Spain \hfill\break Centro de Modelamiento Matem\'atico, Universidad de Chile, Blanco Encalada 2120, 7 piso - Santiago, Chile} \email{jjgarmel@ull.es} \date{} \thanks{Submitted July 4, 2003. Published November 4, 2003.} \thanks{Supported by grant BFM2001-3894 from FEDER and MCYT (Spain) \hfill\break\indent and by Centro de Modelamiento Matem\'atico (Chile).} \subjclass[2000]{35J60, 35J25} \keywords{Boundary blow-up, sub and supersolutions} \begin{abstract} We study the boundary blow-up elliptic problem $\Delta u=a(x) f(u)$ in a smooth bounded domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$, with $u|_{\partial\Omega}=+\infty$. Under suitable growth assumptions on $a$ near $\partial\Omega$ and on $f$ both at zero and at infinity, we prove the existence of at least a positive solution. Our proof is based on the method of sub and supersolutions, which permits on the one hand oscillatory behaviour of $f(u)$ at infinity and on the other hand positive weights $a(x)$ which are unbounded and/or oscillatory near the boundary. \end{abstract} \maketitle \numberwithin{equation}{section} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} \newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{Remark} \section{Introduction} Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$, $N\ge 2$, be a smooth bounded domain. In this work we consider the boundary blow-up elliptic problem \begin{equation}\label{problema} \begin{gathered} \Delta u= a(x) f(u) \quad \hbox{in } \Omega\\ u=+\infty \quad \hbox{on } \partial\Omega\,, \end{gathered} \end{equation} where $a$ is a H\"older continuous positive function defined in $\Omega$ and $f$ is locally H\"older in $(0,+\infty)$. We are interested in the existence of positive classical solutions to (\ref{problema}), that is solutions $u\in C^2(\Omega)$ to $\Delta u = a(x) f(u)$ such that $u(x)\to +\infty$ as $d(x):=\mathop{\rm dist}(x,\partial\Omega)\to 0+$. Boundary blow-up problems like (\ref{problema}) have received a great deal of attention in the recent years. Without being exhaustive with the references, let us quote \cite{B} (as the starting point for these problems), \cite{K}, \cite{BM}, \cite{DL}, \cite{LM1}, \cite{LM2}, \cite{MV}, \cite{Z} and \cite{GLS} (see also references therein). In the reference situation $f(u)=u^p$ (see hypotheses (1.3) below), existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to problem (\ref{problema}) have been obtained before under different kinds of assumptions on the weight $a(x)$. For instance in \cite{BM} and \cite{MV} when $a$ is bounded and bounded away from zero, \cite{GLS} when $a$ is bounded, but {\em is} zero on $\partial\Omega$, with a prescribed behaviour or \cite{Z} and \cite{GX} where $a$ goes to $+\infty$ also in a completely determined way. Our existence result (Theorem \ref{primero}) covers all these situations, and also more general weights which can behave as the three cases above in different parts of $\partial \Omega$. The advantage of our approach is that all possible cases are treated together with a very simple proof, based on the case $a(x)\equiv 1$. Also, at the best of our knowledge, this seems to be the first time where the method of sub and supersolutions is used to prove existence of solutions to boundary blow-up problems. We start by quoting our hypotheses on $a$ and $f$. We will assume that $a\in C^\nu (\Omega)$ for some $0<\nu<1$, $a>0$ in $\Omega$, and that $f \in C^\nu(0,+\infty)$. In addition there exist constants $C_1, C_2>0$ and $\gamma_2\ge \gamma_1 >-2$ such that \begin{equation} C_2 d(x)^{\gamma_2} \le a(x) \le C_1 d(x)^{\gamma_1}, \quad x\in\Omega. \label{A} \end{equation} Note that $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ can have different signs, and so $a$ is permitted to be bounded in some parts of $\partial \Omega$, and to go to $+\infty$ or even oscillate in some others (it can also go to zero). For the nonlinearity $f$ we further assume that there exist $p_1\ge p_2>1$ such that \begin{equation} f(u) \le C_1 u^{p_1} \quad u\in \mathbb{R}^+, \quad f(u) \ge C_2 u^{p_2} \quad \hbox{for large } u \,. \label{F} \end{equation} Note that we can take the constants $C_1$ and $C_2$ to be the same as in \eqref{A}. These assumptions allow $f(u)$ to be oscillating for large $u$, i.e. $f$ does not need to be increasing at infinity. We remark that $\gamma_2\ge \gamma_1$ and $p_1\ge p_2$ are nothing else but compatibility conditions, and $\gamma_1>-2$ is necessary in order to have positive solutions to (\ref{problema}) (compare with \cite{GX} in the radial case and $f(u)=u^p$). We now state our Theorem. \begin{theorem} \label{primero} Assume $a$ and $f$ verify hypotheses \eqref{A} and \eqref{F}. Then problem (\ref{problema}) has at least a positive solution $u$ which verifies \begin{equation}\label{estimacion} D_1 d(x)^{-\alpha_1} \le u(x) \le D_2 d(x)^{-\alpha_2} \quad \hbox{in }\Omega, \end{equation} where $\alpha_i=(2+\gamma_i)/(p_i-1)$, and $D_1$, $D_2$ are positive constants. \end{theorem} \begin{remark} \rm (a) Note that $p_1\ge p_2$, $\gamma_1\le \gamma_2$ imply that $\alpha_1 \le \alpha_2$, and thus (\ref{estimacion}) makes sense. \noindent b) In the light of the possible oscillatory behaviour of $a$ and $f$, according to hypotheses (1.2) and (1.3), one would expect that estimates (\ref{estimacion}) can not be improved in general, even if $p_1=p_2$ and $\gamma_1=\gamma_2$ ($\alpha_1=\alpha_2$), in contrast with the case when $a$ has a prescribed asymptotics near $\partial\Omega$ and $f$ near $+\infty$. \noindent c) If $f(u)=u^p$, $p>1$, uniqueness of positive solutions verifying (\ref{estimacion}) can be achieved for positive weights $a$ satisfying (1.2) with $\gamma_1=\gamma_2$, through an adaptation of the proof of Theorem 3.4 in \cite{Ki}. \noindent d) The regularity assumptions on $a$ and $f$ can of course be relaxed to continuity, obtaining weak solutions to (\ref{problema}) in that case. \noindent e) Theorem \ref{primero} can be adapted to nonlinearities with a different type of growth, for instance exponential: \begin{equation} \label{F'} f(u) \le C_1 e^{p_1 u} \quad u\in \mathbb{R}^+, \quad f(u) \ge C_2 e^{p_2 u} \quad \hbox{for large } u, \end{equation} and we obtain the existence of at least a classical solution $u$ such that $2\lambda_2 \log d + C \le u \le 2\lambda_1 \log d +C'$, where $\lambda_i=(\gamma_i+2)/p_i$. \end{remark} \section{Results} This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem \ref{primero} and the method of sub and supersolutions. First we state and prove an adaptation of the method of sub and supersolutions to problem (\ref{problema}) (Lemma \ref{subsuper} below is indeed a slight generalization of Lemma 4 in \cite{GLS}, which was not proved there), then we introduce an auxiliary problem which will turn out to be very important for our purposes, and we finally will proceed to the proof of Theorem \ref{primero}. A function $\underline{u} \in C^2(\Omega)$ is a (classical) subsolution to problem (\ref{problema}) if $\underline{u}=+\infty$ on $\partial\Omega$ and $\Delta \underline{u} \ge a(x)f(\underline{u})$ in $\Omega$. Similarly, $\bar{u}$ is a supersolution if $\bar{u}=+\infty$ on $\partial\Omega$ and $\Delta \bar{u} \le a(x)f(\bar{u})$ in $\Omega$. When $\underline{u}$ and $\bar{u}$ are ordered we have the next result. \begin{lemma} \label{subsuper} Assume there exist a subsolution $\underline{u}$ and a supersolution $\bar{u}$ to the problem (\ref{problema}) such that $\underline{u} \le \bar{u}$. Then there exists at least a classical solution $u$ such that $\underline{u}\le u\le \bar{u}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For $n\in \mathbb{N}$, we introduce the domain $\Omega_n:=\{x\in \Omega: d(x)>1/n\}$, and consider the problem \begin{equation}\label{finito} \begin{gathered} \Delta u= a(x) f(u) \quad \hbox{in } \Omega_n\\ u=\underline{u} \quad \hbox{on } \partial\Omega_n\ . \end{gathered} \end{equation} Since $\underline{u}$ is a subsolution and $\bar{u}$ a supersolution, this problem has at least a positive classical solution $u_n$ such that $\underline{u} \le u_n\le \bar{u}$. This in particular gives local bounds for the sequence $\{u_n\}$ which in turn leads to local bounds in $C^{2,\nu}$ (cf. \cite{GT}). Thus for every $k\in \mathbb{N}$, we can select a subsequence $\{u_n^k\}$ which converges in $C^2(\overline{\Omega}_k)$. A diagonal procedure gives a subsequence (denoted again by $\{u_n\}$) which converges to a function $u$ in $C^2_{\rm loc}(\Omega)$. Passing to the limit in (\ref{finito}) we see that $u$ is a classical solution of the equation in (\ref{problema}), verifying $\underline{u} \le u \le \bar{u}$. In particular, we deduce that $u=+\infty$ on $\partial\Omega$. This proves the Lemma. \end{proof} As already remarked, a fundamental role in our approach is played by the well-known blow-up problem: \begin{gather*} \Delta U= U^{r_i} \quad \hbox{in } \Omega\\ U=+\infty \quad \hbox{on } \partial\Omega\,, \end{gather*} where $r_i=1+2/{\alpha_i}>1$. This problem has a unique positive solution $U_i$ such that $C d(x)^{-\alpha_i} \le U_i(x) \le C' d(x)^{-\alpha_i}$, for some positive constants $C$ and $C'$ (see \cite{BM}). \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{primero}] The proof consists in choosing adequate ordered sub and supersolutions in terms of the functions $U_1$ and $U_2$ defined above. Indeed, we set $\underline{u} =\lambda U_1$. Then $\underline{u}$ will be a subsolution provided that $$ \lambda U_1^{r_1} \ge a(x) f(\lambda U_1)\,. $$ By hypothesis \eqref{F} on $f$, this is a consequence of $\lambda \le (C_1\sup_\Omega a(x) U_1(x) ^{p_1-r_1})^{-\frac{1}{p_1-1}}$, which holds for small $\lambda$ if the supremum is finite. But note that $a(x) U_1^{p_1-r_1}\le C d(x)^{\gamma_1-\alpha_1(p_1-r_1)}=C$ in virtue of hypotheses \eqref{A}, and the claim follows. In a similar way we can see that $\bar u=\Lambda U_2$ is a supersolution for large $\Lambda$. Since $\alpha_1\le \alpha_2$, it also follows that $\lambda U_1 \le \Lambda U_2$, and Lemma \ref{subsuper} shows that there exists at least a positive classical solution to (\ref{problema}), which in addition verifies the estimates (\ref{estimacion}). This proves the Theorem. \end{proof} \begin{thebibliography}{00} \bibitem{BM} {\sc C. Bandle, M. Marcus}, {\em 'Large' solutions of semilinear elliptic equations: existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour}, J. Anal. 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