Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2004(2004), No. 100, pp. 1-18. Title: Strongly indefinite functionals with perturbed symmetries and multiple solutions of nonsymmetric elliptic systems Authors: Monica Clapp (Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) Yanheng Ding (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China) Sergio Hernandez-Linares (Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico) Abstract: We prove a critical-point result which provides conditions for the existence of infinitely many critical points of a strongly indefinite functional with perturbed symmetries. Then we apply this result to obtain infinitely many solutions of non-symmetric super-quadratic noncooperative elliptic systems, allowing some supercritical growth. Submitted March 12, 2004. Published August 18, 2004. Math Subject Classifications: 35J50, 58E05. Key Words: Critical point theory; perturbation of symmetries; elliptic systems; strongly indefinite functionals; multiple solutions; critical Sobolev exponent.