Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2004(2004), No. 36, pp. 1-14. Title: Chaotic orbits of a pendulum with variable length Authors: Massimo Furi (Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Italy) Mario Martelli (Claremont McKenna College, CA, USA) Mike O'Neill (Claremont McKenna College, CA, USA) Carolyn Staples (Claremont McKenna College, CA, USA) Abstract: The main purpose of this investigation is to show that a pendulum, whose pivot oscillates vertically in a periodic fashion, has uncountably many chaotic orbits. The attribute chaotic is given according to the criterion we now describe. First, we associate to any orbit a finite or infinite sequence as follows. We write 1 or $-1$ every time the pendulum crosses the position of unstable equilibrium with positive (counterclockwise) or negative (clockwise) velocity, respectively. We write 0 whenever we find a pair of consecutive zero's of the velocity separated only by a crossing of the stable equilibrium, and with the understanding that different pairs cannot share a common time of zero velocity. Finally, the symbol $\omega$, that is used only as the ending symbol of a finite sequence, indicates that the orbit tends asymptotically to the position of unstable equilibrium. Every infinite sequence of the three symbols $\{1,-1,0\}$ represents a real number of the interval $[0,1]$ written in base 3 when $-1$ is replaced with 2. An orbit is considered chaotic whenever the associated sequence of the three symbols $\{1,2,0\}$ is an irrational number of $[0,1]$. Our main goal is to show that there are uncountably many orbits of this type. Submitted November 25, 2003. Published March 14, 2004. Math Subject Classifications: 34C28. Key Words: Pendulum; orbit; chaotic; separatrix.