Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2005(2005), No. 36, pp. 1-20. Title: An Lp-approach for the study of degenerate parabolic equations Authors: Rabah Labbas (Univ. du Havre, Le Havre, France, France) Ahmed Medeghri (Univ. de Mostaganem, Algeria) Boubaker-Khaled Sadallah (Ecole Normale Sup., Alger, Algeria) Abstract: We give regularity results for solutions of a parabolic equation in non-rectangular domains $U=\cup_{t\in ] 0,1[}\{ t\} \times I_{t}$ with $I_{t}=\{x:03/2$ by considering the following cases: (1) When $\varphi (t)=t^{\alpha }$, $\alpha >1/2$ with a regular right-hand side belonging to a subspace of $L^{p}(U)$ and under assumption $p>1+\alpha $. We use Labbas-Terreni results [11]. (2) When $\varphi (t)=t^{1/2}$ with a right-hand side taken only in $L^{p}(U)$. Our approach make use of the celebrated Dore-Venni results [2]. Submitted July 16, 2004. Published March 29, 2005. Math Subject Classifications: 35K05, 35K65, 35K90 Key Words: Sum of linear operators, diffusion equation, non rectangular domain,bounded imaginary powers of operators