Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006(2006), No. 137, pp. 1-11. Title: A property of the H-convergence for elasticity in perforated domains Author: Hamid Haddadou (Institut Nationale de formation, Algerie) Abstract: In this article, we obtain the $H_{e}^{0}$-convergence as a limit case of the $H_{e}$-convergence. More precisely, if $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$ is a perforated domain with (admissible) holes $T_{\varepsilon}$ and $\chi_{\varepsilon}$ denote its characteristic function and if $(A^{\varepsilon},T_{\varepsilon})\overset{H_{e}^{0}}{\rightharpoonup}A^{0}$, we show how the behavior as $(\varepsilon,\delta)\to(0,0)$ of the double sequence of tensors $A^{\varepsilon}_{\delta}=(\chi_{\varepsilon}+\delta(1-\chi_{\varepsilon})) A^{\varepsilon}$ is connected to $A^{0}$. These results extend those given by Cioranescu, Damlamian, Donato and Mascarenhas in [3] for the $H$-convergence of the scalar second elliptic operators to the linearized elasticity systems. Submitted July 6, 2006. Published October 31, 2006. Math Subject Classifications: 35B40, 74B05. Key Words: Homogenization; H-convergence; linearized elasticity system; perforated domains.