Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006(2006), No. 145, pp. 1-8. Title: Oscillation for forced second-order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales Authors: Mugen Huang (South China Normal Univ., Guangzhou, China) Weizhen Feng (South China Normal Univ., Guangzhou, China) Abstract: By means of Riccati transformation techniques, we present oscillation criteria for forced second-order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales. These results are based on the information on a sequence of subintervals of $[a, \infty)$ only, rather than on the whole half-line. Submitted August 18, 2006. Published November 26, 2006. Math Subject Classifications: 34K11, 39A10, 39A99, 34C10, 39A11. Key Words: Forced oscillation; dynamic equations; time scales.