Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006(2006), No. 35, pp. 1-10. Title: Stability and boundedness of solutions to certain fourth-order differential equations Author: Cemil Tunc (Yil Univ., Van, Turkey) Abstract: We give criteria for the asymptotic stability and boundedness of solutions to the nonlinear fourth-order ordinary differential equation $$ x^{(4)}+\varphi (\ddot{x})\dddot{x}+f(x,\dot{x}) \ddot{x}+g(\dot{x})+h(x)=p(t,x,\dot{x},\ddot{x},\dddot{x})\,, $$ when $p\equiv 0$ and when $p\neq 0$. Our results include and improve some well-known results in the literature. Submitted November 17, 2005. Published March 21,2006. Math Subject Classifications: 34D20, 34D99. Key Words: Fourth order differential equations; stability; boundedness