Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006(2006), No. 53, pp. 1-16. Title: Nonlinear transmission problem with a dissipative boundary condition of memory type Authors: Doherty Andrade (Maringa State Univ., Brazil) Luci Harue Fatori (Londrina State Univ., Brazil) Jaime E. Munoz Rivera (Lab. Nal. de Comp., Petropolis, Brazil) Abstract: We consider a differential equation that models a material consisting of two elastic components. One component is clamped while the other is in a viscoelastic fluid producing a dissipative mechanism on the boundary. So, we have a transmission problem with boundary damping condition of memory type. We prove the existence of a global solution and its uniformly decay to zero as time approaches infinity. More specifically, the solution decays exponentially provided the relaxation function decays exponentially. Submitted November 10, 2005. Published April 28, 2006. Math Subject Classifications: 35B40, 35L70. Key Words: Wave equation; asymptotic behavior; memory.