Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006(2006), No. 91, pp. 1-7. Title: Existence of positive periodic solutions to third-order delay differential equations Author: Zhanji Gui (Hainan Normal Univ., China) Abstract: Using the continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory and analysis techniques, we establish criteria for the existence of periodic solutions to the following third-order neutral delay functional differential equation with deviating arguments $$ \dddot{x}(t)+a\ddot{x}(t)+g(\dot{x}(t-\tau(t)))+f({x}(t-\tau(t)))=p(t). $$ Our results complement and extend known results and are illustrated with examples. Submitted April 20, 2006. Published August 15, 2006. Math Subject Classifications: 34C25. Key Words: Neutral delay; third-order differential equation; periodic solution.