Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2007(2007), No. 54, pp. 1-13. Title: Existence of bounded solutions for nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations in Orlicz spaces Author: Ahmed Youssfi (Univ. Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Morocco) Abstract: We prove the existence of bounded solutions for the nonlinear elliptic problem $$ -\mathop{\rm div}a(x,u,{\nabla}u)=f \quad\text{in }{\Omega}, $$ with $u\in W^1_0L_M({\Omega})\cap L^{\infty}(\Omega)$, where $$ a(x,s,\xi)\cdot\xi\geq {\overline M}^{-1}M(h(|s|))M(|\xi|), $$ and $h:{\mathbb{R}^+}{\to }{]0,1]}$ is a continuous monotone decreasing function with unbounded primitive. As regards the $N$-function $M$, no $\Delta_2$-condition is needed. Submitted December 11, 2006. Published April 10, 2007. Math Subject Classifications: 46E30, 35J70, 35J60. Key Words: Orlicz-Sobolev spaces; degenerate coercivity; L-infity-estimates; rearrangements.