Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2007(2007), No. 91, pp. 1-12. Title: Reality conditions of loop solitons genus $g$: hyperelliptic am functions Author: Shigeki Matsutani (Sagamihara, Japan) Abstract: This article is devoted to an investigation of a reality condition of a hyperelliptic loop soliton of higher genus. In the investigation, we have a natural extension of Jacobi am-function for an elliptic curves to that for a hyperelliptic curve. We also compute winding numbers of loop solitons. Submitted March 16, 2006. Published June 16, 2007. Math Subject Classifications: 37K20, 35Q53, 14H45, 14H70. Key Words: Loop soliton; elastica; reality condition; hyperelliptic functions.