Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2008(2008), No. 37, pp. 1-18. Title: Multiple semiclassical states for singular magnetic nonlinear Schrodinger equations Author: Sara Barile (Politecnico di Bari, Italy) Abstract: By means of a finite-dimensional reduction, we show a multiplicity result of semiclassical solutions $u: \mathbb{R}^N \to\mathbb{C}$ to the singular nonlinear Schrodinger equation $$ \Big( \frac{\varepsilon}{i} \nabla - A(x)\Big)^2 u + u+(V(x)-\gamma(\varepsilon)W(x)) u = K(x) | u|^{p-1} u, \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^N, $$ where $N \geq 2$, $1 < p < 2^{*}-1$, $A(x), V(x)$ and $K(x)$ are bounded potentials. Such solutions concentrate near (non-degenerate) local extrema or a (non-degenerate) manifold of stationary points of an auxiliary function $\Lambda$ related to the unperturbed electric field $V(x)$ and the coefficient $K(x)$ of the nonlinear term. Submitted November 26, 2007. Published March 14, 2008. Math Subject Classifications: 35J10, 35J60, 35J20, 35Q55, 58E05. Key Words: Nonlinear Schrodinger equations; external magnetic field; singular potentials; semiclassical limit.