Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2009(2009), No. 120, pp. 1-11. Title: Linking method for periodic non-autonomous fourth-order differential equations with superquadratic potentials Authors: Chengyue Li (Minzu Univ., Beijing, China) Changhua Shi (Minzu Univ., Beijing, China) Abstract: By means of the Schechter's Linking method, we study the existence of 2T-periodic solutions of the non-autonomous fourth-order ordinary differential equation $$ u''''-Au''-Bu-V_u(t,u)=0 $$ where $A>0$, $B>0$, $V(t,u)\in \mathbb{C}^1(\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R})$ is 2T-periodic in t and satisfies either $0<\theta V(t,u) \leq u V_u(t,u)$ with $\theta>2$, or $u V_u(t,u)-2V(t,u)\geq d_3|u|^r$ with $r\geq 1$. Submitted June 18, 2009. Published September 27, 2009. Math Subject Classifications: 58E05, 34C37, 70H05. Key Words: Periodic solutions; fourth-order differential equations; linking theorem; critical points.