=================== Raul Manasevich June 7, 2001. He can not do it. Ivan Szanto June 29, 2010. A soon as possible I will send the report of the work requested by you Regards Report received August 26, 2010. -------------- Gary Nicklason June 7, 2010. August 30, 2010. Dear Professor Gary Nicklason: I am pleased to report that your manuscript "Constant invariant solutions of the Poincare center­focus problem" has been accepted for publication in the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Please proofread the attached galley proofs, and send me a mesage with the necessary corrections. Also you may try do the corrections on the latex file. I'll delete the rectangular labels from the margin after proofreading. Please send us your photograph(s) to be posted with your article. Alternatively, you can indicate a web page where I can find your photograph. Best regards, Julio G. Dix Co-Managing Editor Electronic Journal of Differential Equations http://ejde.math.txstate.edu -- Report received August 26, 2010. ----- Review of the Paper: Constant invariant solutions of the Poincare center problem Author: G.R.Nicklason 1.- The results obtained in this of this manuscript are partial, defines conditions for the existence of a particular invariant. 2.- The Invariant enables to prove, in particular cases, the existence of centers for the Abel equation of first order. 3.- The conditions are necessary, but not sufficient. 4.- The work is well written and clear in its contents. 5.- Equation (1) of the first page should be modifeid; i.e., y + q (x, y ) must be replaced by x + q (x, y ) DONE 6.- Although what the studied is a particular case, I recommend this work to be published in the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Article 130, 2010. =====================