Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 146, pp. 1-7. Title: Existence of non-oscillatory solutions for a higher-order nonlinear neutral difference equation Authors: Zhenyu Guo (Liaoning Shihua Univ., Fushun, China) Min Liu (Liaoning Shihua Univ., Fushun, China) Abstract: This article concerns the solvability of the higher-order nonlinear neutral delay difference equation $$ \Delta\Big(a_{kn}\dots\Delta\big(a_{2n} \Delta(a_{1n}\Delta(x_n+b_nx_{n-d}))\big)\Big) +\sum_{j=1}^s p_{jn}f_j(x_{n-r_{jn}})=q_n, $$ where $n\geq n_0\ge0$, $d,k,j,s$ are positive integers, $f_j:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ and $xf_j(x)\geq 0$ for $x\ne 0$. Sufficient conditions for the existence of non-oscillatory solutions are established by using Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem. Five theorems are stated according to the range of the sequence $\{b_n\}$. Submitted July 30, 2010. Published October 14, 2010. Math Subject Classifications: 34K15, 34C10. Key Words: Nonoscillatory solution; neutral difference equation; Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem.