Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2010(2010), No. 69, pp. 1-8. Title: Almost automorphic solutions of neutral functional differential equations Authors: Gisele Massengo Mophou (Univ. des Antilles, Fouillole, Guadeloupe) Gaston M. N'Guerekata (Morgan State Univ., Baltimore MD, USA) Abstract: In this article, we prove the existence and uniqueness of almost automorphic solutions to the non-autonomous evolution equation $$ \frac{d}{dt}(u(t)-F_1(t,B_1u(t)))=A(t)(u(t)-F_1(t,Bu(t)))+F_2(t,u(t),B_2u(t)), \quad t\in \mathbb{R} $$ where $A(t)$ generates a hyperbolic evolution family $U(t,s)$ (not necessarily periodic) in a Banach space, and $B_1,B_2$ are bounded linear operators. The results are obtained by means of fixed point methods. Submitted May 25, 2009. Published May 17, 2010. Math Subject Classifications: 34K05, 34A12, 34A40. Key Words: Neutral differential equation; almost automorphic functions; almost periodic functions; exponentially stable semigroup; semigroup of linear operators.