Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 151, pp. 1-11. Title: Oscillation criteria for damped quasilinear second-order elliptic equations Author: Tadie (Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen, Denmark) Abstract: In 2010, Yoshida [13] stated that oscillation criteria for the superlinear-sublinear elliptic equation equation $$ \nabla \cdot \big(A(x)\Phi(\nabla v)\big) + (\alpha+1)B(x)\cdot\Phi(\nabla v) + C(x) \phi_\beta(v) + D(x) \phi_\gamma (v)=f(x) $$ were not known. In this article, we provide some answers to this question using boundedness conditions on the coefficients of half-linear quasilinear elliptic equations. This is obtained by using some comparison methods and Picone-type formulas. Submitted July 21, 2011. Published November 08, 2011. Math Subject Classifications: 34C10, 34K15, 35J70. Key Words: Picone; oscillation criteria for half-linear elliptic equations.