Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 157, pp. 1-8. Title: Linear differential equations with entire coefficients having the same order and type Author: Nacera Berrighi (Univ. of Mostaganem, Algeria) Saada Hamouda (Univ. of Mostaganem, Algeria) Abstract: In this article, we study the growth of solutions to the differential equation $$ f^{k}+(A_{k-1}(z)e^{P_{k-1}(z)}e^{\lambda z^m} +B_{k-1}(z))f^{k-1}+\dots +(A_0(z)e^{P_0(z)} e^{\lambda z^m}+B_0(z))f=0, $$ where $\lambda \in \mathbb{C}^{\ast}$, $m\geq 2$ is an integer and $\max_{j=0,\dots ,k-1}\{ \deg P_j(z)\}