Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 88, pp. 1-12. Title: Asymptotic behavior of ground state solutions for sublinear and singular nonlinear Dirichlet problems Authors: Rym Chemmam (Univ. Tunis El Manar, Tunisia) Abdelwaheb Dhifli (Univ. Tunis El Manar, Tunisia) Habib Maagli (Univ. Tunis El Manar, Tunisia) Abstract: In this article, we are concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the classical solution to the semilinear boundary-value problem $$ \Delta u+a(x)u^{\sigma }=0 $$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $u>0$, $\lim_{|x|\to \infty }u(x)=0$, where $\sigma <1$. The special feature is to consider the function $a$ in $C_{\rm loc}^{\alpha }(\mathbb{R}^n)$, $0<\alpha <1$, such that there exists $c>0$ satisfying $$ \frac{1}{c}\frac{L(|x| +1)}{(1+|x| )^{\lambda }} \leq a(x)\leq c\frac{L(|x| +1)}{(1+|x| )^{\lambda }}, $$ where $L(t):=\exp \big(\int_1^t\frac{z(s)}{s}ds\big)$, with $z\in C([1,\infty ))$ such that $\lim_{t\to \infty } z(t)=0$. The comparable asymptotic rate of $a(x)$ determines the asymptotic behavior of the solution. Submitted April 13, 2011. Published July 05, 2011. Math Subject Classifications: 31B05, 31C35, 34B27, 60J50. Key Words: Asymptotic behavior; Dirichlet problem; ground sate solution; singular equations; sublinear equations.