Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2012 (2012), No. 165, pp. 1-15. Title: Stable piecewise polynomial vector fields Authors: Claudio Pessoa (Univ. Estadual Paulista, Brasil) Jorge Sotomayor (Univ. de Sao Paulo, Brasil) Abstract: Let $N=\{y>0\}$ and $S=\{y<0\}$ be the semi-planes of $\mathbb{R}^2$ having as common boundary the line $D=\{y=0\}$. Let $X$ and $Y$ be polynomial vector fields defined in $N$ and $S$, respectively, leading to a discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector field $Z=(X,Y)$. This work pursues the stability and the transition analysis of solutions of $Z$ between $N$ and $S$, started by Filippov (1988) and Kozlova (1984) and reformulated by Sotomayor-Teixeira (1995) in terms of the regularization method. This method consists in analyzing a one parameter family of continuous vector fields $Z_{\epsilon}$, defined by averaging $X$ and $Y$. This family approaches $Z$ when the parameter goes to zero. The results of Sotomayor-Teixeira and Sotomayor-Machado (2002) providing conditions on $(X,Y)$ for the regularized vector fields to be structurally stable on planar compact connected regions are extended to discontinuous piecewise polynomial vector fields on $\mathbb{R}^2$. Pertinent genericity results for vector fields satisfying the above stability conditions are also extended to the present case. A procedure for the study of discontinuous piecewise vector fields at infinity through a compactification is proposed here. Submitted February 28, 2012. Published September 22, 2012. Math Subject Classifications: 34C35, 58F09, 34D30. Key Words: Structural stability; piecewise vector fields; compactification