Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 01 (1998), pp. 97-108. Title: On Properties of Nonlinear Second Order Systems under Nonlinear Impulse Perturbations Authors: John R. Graef (Mississippi State Univ., MS USA) Janos Karsai (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical Univ., Szeged, Hungary) Abstract: In this paper, we consider the impulsive second order system \[ \ddot{x}+f(x)=0\quad (t\neq t_{n});\quad \dot{x}(t_{n}+0)=b_{n}\dot{x}(t_{n}) \quad (t=t_{n}) \] where $t_n=t_0+n\,p$ $(p>0, n=1,2\dots )$. In a previous paper, the authors proved that if $f(x)$ is strictly nonlinear, then this system has infinitely many periodic solutions. The impulses account for the main differences in the attractivity properties of the zero solution. Here, we prove that these periodic solutions are attractive in some sense, and we give good estimates for the attractivity region. Published November 12, 1998. Math Subject Classifications: 34D05, 34D20, 34C15. Key Words: Asymptotic stability; attractrivity of periodic solutions; impulsive systems; nonlinear equations; second order systems.