\input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \loadmsbm \magnification=\magstephalf \hcorrection{1cm} \vcorrection{-6mm} \nologo \TagsOnRight \NoBlackBoxes \headline={\ifnum\pageno=1 \hfill\else% {\tenrm\ifodd\pageno\rightheadline \else \leftheadline\fi}\fi} \def\rightheadline{\hfil Half-linear extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem \hfil\folio} \def\leftheadline{\folio\hfil Ond\v{r}ej Do\v{s}l\'y \hfil} \pageno=29 \def\pretitle{\vbox{\eightrm\noindent\baselineskip 9pt % Fourth Mississippi State Conference on Differential Equations and \hfill\break Computational Simulations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, \hfill\break Conference 03, 1999, pp. 29--37.\hfill\break URL: http://ejde.math.swt.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu \hfill\break ftp ejde.math.swt.edu (login: ftp) \bigskip} } \topmatter \title A remark on the half-linear extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem \endtitle \thanks {\it Mathematics Subject Classifications:} 34C10.\hfil\break\indent {\it Key words:} Half-linear equation, scalar $p$-Laplacian, Hartman-Wintner criterion. \hfil\break\indent \copyright 2000 Southwest Texas State University and University of North Texas. \hfil\break\indent Published July 10, 2000. \hfil\break\indent Supported by grant 201/99/0295 of the Czech Grant Agency and by grant A1019902/199 \hfil\break\indent of the Grant Agency of Czech Academy of Sciences \endthanks \author Ond\v{r}ej Do\v{s}l\'y \endauthor \address Ond\v{r}ej Do\v{s}l\'y\newline\indent Mathematical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences,\newline\indent \v Zi\v zkova 22, CZ-616 62 Brno \endaddress \email dosly\@math.muni.cz \endemail \abstract We establish a Hartman-Wintner type theorem for the half-linear second order differential equation $$ (r(t)\Phi_p(x'))'+c(t)\Phi_p(x)=0,\quad \Phi_p(x):=|x|^{p-2}x,\ p>1\,. $$ This equation is viewed as a perturbation of the non-oscillatory equation $$ (r(t)\Phi_p(x'))'+\tilde c(t)\Phi_p(x)=0 $$ with $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually. \endabstract \endtopmatter \document \head 1. Introduction \endhead The classical Hartman-Wintner theorem concerns the non-oscillatory second order linear equation $$ x''+c(t)x=0 \tag{1.1} $$ and states that for any solution $x$ of (1.1) and for $w:={x'\over x}$ we have $$ \int^\infty w^2(t)\,dt<\infty \quad {\iff}\quad \liminf_{t\to \infty}{1\over t}\int_T^t\int_T^s c(\tau)d\tau\, ds>-\infty, $$ where $T\in \Bbb R$ is sufficiently large, see \cite{6, Chap. XI}. If $r$ is a positive function such that $\int^\infty r^{-1}(t)\,dt=\infty$, using the change of dependent variable $s=\int^t r^{-1}(\tau)\, d\tau$, one can directly verify that the above statement extends also to the non-oscillatory equation in the Sturm-Liouville form $$ (r(t)x')'+c(t)x=0, \tag{1.2} $$ namely, if $w:={r(t)x'\over x}$, then $$ \int^\infty {w^2(t)\over r(t)}<\infty \tag{1.3} $$ if and only if $$ \liminf_{t\to \infty}{1\over \int_{T}^{t} r^{-1}(s)\,ds} \int_{T}^{t}r^{-1}(s)\int_{T}^{s} c(\tau)\,d\tau\,ds>-\infty. \tag{1.4} $$ Note that $w={r(t)x'\over x}$ solves the Riccati equation associated with (1.2) $$ w'+c(t)+{w^2\over r(t)}=0. \tag{1.5} $$ A half-linear second order equation is the differential equation of the form $$ (r(t)\Phi_p(x'))'+c(t)\Phi_p(x)=0,\quad \Phi_p(x):=|x|^{p-2}x, \quad p>1, \tag{1.6} $$ where the functions $r,c$ are continuous and $r(t)>0$ in the interval under consideration. If $p=2$, then (1.6) reduces to linear equation (1.2). The terminology ``half-linear equation'' comes from the fact that the solution space of (1.6) has just one half of the properties which characterize linearity, namely the homogeneity. Oscillation theory of (1.6) is very similar to that of (1.2). The Sturmian separation and comparison theory extends directly to (1.6), in particular, all solutions of this equation are either oscillatory or non-oscillatory, see \cite{5,9}. The direct half-linear extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem can be found in \cite{8} and reads as follows. \proclaim{Proposition 1.1} Suppose that {\rm(1.6)} is non-oscillatory, $\int_{}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(t)\,dt =\infty$, where $q$ is the conjugate number of $p$, i.e. ${1\over p}+{1\over q}=1$. Further, let $x$ be any non-oscillatory solution of {\rm (1.6)} and $w:={r(t) \Phi_p(x')\over\Phi_p(x)}$. Then $$ \gathered \int_{}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(t) |w(t)|^q\,dt<\infty \quad {\iff}\quad \\ \liminf_{t\to \infty}{1\over \int_{T}^{t} r^{1-q}(s)\,ds}\int_{T}^{t}r^{1-q}(s) \int_{T}^{s}c(\tau)\,d\tau\,ds>-\infty. \endgathered \tag{1.7} $$ \endproclaim Actually, the half-linear version of the Hartman-Wintner theorem is formulated in \cite{8} for equation (1.6) with $r\equiv 1$ and some weight function appears in (1.7). However, taking a suitable weight function, the result in \cite{8} gives essentially the statement of Proposition 1.1. In this paper, we are going to present a slightly different extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem along the following line. Let us consider (1.6) as a ``perturbation'' of the one-term equation $$ (r(t)\Phi_p(x'))'=0 \tag{1.8} $$ and suppose that $\int^\infty r^{1-q}(t)\,dt =\infty.$ Then any solution of the Riccati equation $w'+(p-1)r^{-1}(t)|w|^q=0$ associated with (1.8) satisfies $$ \int_{}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(t)|w(t)|^q\,dt<\infty $$ as can be verified by a direct computation. The Hartman-Wintner theorems states that this property of solutions of the Riccati equation $$ w'+c(t)+(p-1)r^{1-q}(t)|w|^q=0 \tag{1.9} $$ (which corresponds to the ``perturbed'' equation (1.6)) also holds if and only if the function $c$ is not ``too negative'', i.e., $\liminf$ in (1.7) is $>-\infty$. In this paper, we consider (1.6) not as a perturbation of (1.8), but as a perturbation of the general non-oscillatory equation $$ (r(t)\Phi_p(x'))'+\tilde c(t)\Phi_p(x)=0, \tag{1.10} $$ where $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually. This idea has been used in the recent paper \cite{4} when investigating oscillatory properties of (1.6). We show in this paper that the convergence of a certain improper integral is related to a limit inferior involving the difference $c-\tilde c$. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we collect some auxiliary material, including the recently established half-linear version of the so-called Picone identity which plays the crucial role in our investigation. In Section 3, we present our modified extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem for (1.6), when this equation is viewed a perturbation of (1.10). We deal with the case $12$. The last section is devoted to remarks on results of Section 3, in particular, we show that in case $p=2$ the results of this section reduce essentially to the classical Hartman-Wintner theorem for (1.4). \bigskip \head 2. Auxiliary results \endhead As we have already mentioned in the previous section, if $x$ is a solution of (1.6) for which $x(t)\ne 0$ in the interval under consideration, then $$ w:={r(t)\Phi_p(x')\over\Phi_p(x)} \tag{2.1} $$ solves the associated Riccati equation (1.9). \proclaim{Lemma 2.1} {\rm (\cite{7, Lemma 1})} Suppose that $w$ is a solution of {\rm ({1.9})} defined in some interval $I\subset \Bbb R$. Then for any continuously differentiable $y$ the following identity holds: $$ \aligned &r(t)|y'|^p-c(t)|y|^p\, \\ &=\left[w|y|^p\right]' + p\left[{1\over p}\,r(t)|y'|^p-w\Phi_p(y)y'+{1\over q}\, r^{1-q}(t)|w|^q|y|^p\right] \\ &=\left[w|y|^p\right]'+ p P(r^{{1\over p}}y',r^{-1/p}w\Phi_p(y))\, \\ &= \left[w|y|^p\right]' + p r^{1-q}(t) P(r^{q-1}{y'},\Phi_p(y)w), \endaligned \tag{2.2} $$ where $$ P(u,v):= {|u|^p\over p}-uv+{|v|^q\over q}\geq 0 \tag{2.3} $$ for any $u,v$, with the equality holding if and only if $v=\Phi_p(u)$. \endproclaim Observe that in the linear case $P(u,v)={1\over 2}(u-v)^2$. The following lemma presents some estimates for the just introduced function $P(u,v)$. \proclaim{Lemma 2.2} {\rm (\cite{3})} The function $P(u,v)$ defined in {\rm(2.3)} satisfies the following two inequalities $$ P(u,v)-\frac12 |u|^{2-p}\left(\Phi_p(u)-v\right)^2 \gtrless0 \qquad p \lessgtr 2,\quad \Phi_p(u)\neq v, \tag{2.4} $$ $$ P(u,v)-\frac1{2(p-1)}|u|^{2-p}\left(\Phi_p(u)-v\right)^2\!\lessgtr \!0\quad p\!\lessgtr\!2,\ |\Phi_p(u)|\!>\!|v|, \ uv\!>\!0. \tag{2.5} $$ \endproclaim \bigskip \head 3. An extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem \endhead In this section we present our modified extension of the Hartman-Wintner theorem. In contrast to \cite{8}, equation (1.6) is viewed as a perturbation of non-oscillatory equation (1.10) where $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually. \proclaim{Theorem 3.1} Suppose that $p\in (1,2]$, $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, equations {\rm (1.6) and (1.10)} are non-oscillatory and {\rm (1.10)} possesses a solution $h$ such that $$ \int_{}^{\infty}G^{-1}(t)\,dt=\infty,\quad G(t):= r(t)h^2(t)|h'(t)|^{p-2}. \tag{3.1} $$ If $$ \liminf_{t\to \infty} {1\over \int_{T}^{t} G^{-1}(s)\,ds}\int_{T}^{t} G^{-1}(s)\left[ \int_{T}^{s}(c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau))h^p(\tau)\,d\tau\right] ds>-\infty, \tag{3.2} $$ then for any solution $x$ of {\rm (1.6)} and $w$ given by {\rm (2.1)} we have $$ \int_{}^{\infty}{v^2(t)\over G(t)}\,dt<\infty,\quad v(t):=h^p(t)(w_h(t)-w(t)), \tag{3.3} $$ with $w_h={r(t)\Phi_p(h')\over\Phi_p(h)}$. \endproclaim \demo{Proof} Let $x$ be any (non-oscillatory) solution of (1.6) and $w$ be given by (2.1). Then by the Picone identity $$ \align \int_{T}^{t} [r|h'|^p-ch^p]\,ds& =wh^p\left|_{T}^{t}\right. +p\int_{T}^{t}r^{1-q}P(r^{q-1}h',\Phi_p(h)w)\,ds %\int_{T}^{t}[r|h'|^p-\tilde c h^p]ds %+\int_{T}^{t}(c-\tilde c)h^p\,ds %\\ \\ &=wh^p\left|_{T}^{t}\right. +p\int_{T}^{t}r^{1-q}h^pP(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,ds, \endalign $$ where $\Phi_q(s):=|s|^{q-2}s$. Simultaneously, integration by parts gives $$ \gather \int_{T}^{t} [r|h'|^p-ch^p]\,ds= \int_{T}^{t}[r|h'|^p-\tilde c h^p]ds -\int_{T}^{t}(c-\tilde c)h^p\,ds \\ =rh\Phi_p(h')\left|_T^t \right. -\int_{T}^{t}h[(r\Phi_p(h'))'+\tilde c \Phi_p(h)]\,ds-\int_{T}^{t}(c-\tilde c)h^p\,ds \\ =h^pw_h\left|_T^t \right. -\int_{T}^{t}(c-\tilde c)h^p\,ds. \endgather $$ Denote $v:=h^p(w_h-w)$; then we have $$ v(t)-v(T)=\int_{T}^{t}(c-\tilde c)h^p\,ds + p\int_{T}^{t}r^{1-q}h^pP(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,ds. $$ Hence, multiplying this equality by $G^{-1}(t)$ and integrating it from $T$ to $t$, we have $$ \align \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)v(s)&= \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\left[v(T)+{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}(c-\tilde c)h^pd\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \right] \\ &+ p\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s}{r^{1-q}(\tau)h^p(\tau) P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)}d\tau \right)ds. \endalign $$ By Lemma 2.2 $$ \align r^{1-q}h^pP(\Phi_q(w_h),w)&\geq {1\over 2}r^{1-q}h^p\left| \Phi_q(w_h)\right|^{2-p}(w_h-w)^2 \\ &= {1\over 2}r^{1-q+(q-1)(2-p)}h^p\left|{h'\over h}\right|^{2-p} \left[h^p(w_h-w)\right]^2 \\ &={1\over 2}\,{\left[h^p(w_h-w)\right]^2\over rh^2|h'|^{p-2}} = {v^2\over\,2 G}, \endalign $$ Consequently, $$ \align \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)v(s)\,ds&\geq \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\left[v(T)+{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}(c-\tilde c)h^pd\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \right] \\ &+{p\over 2}\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)}d\tau \right)ds. \endalign $$ The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality yields $$ \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)v(s)\,ds\leq \left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds\right)^{1/2} \left(\int_{T}^{t}{v^2(s)\over G(s)}ds\right)^{1/2}, $$ thus, taking into account (3.2), there exists a constant $K\in \Bbb R$ such that $$ \gathered \left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds\right)^{1/2} \left(\int_{T}^{t}{v^2(s)\over G(s)}ds\right)^{1/2} \\ \geq \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds\left[K+{p\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)}d\tau\right)ds\over 2\,\int_{T}^{t} G^{-1}(s)\,ds}\right]. \endgathered \tag{3.4} $$ Suppose, by contradiction, that $\int^\infty{v^2(t)\over G(t)}\,dt=\infty$. Since (3.1) holds, by L'Hospital's rule $$ \lim_{t\to \infty}{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)}d\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds}=\infty $$ as well, i.e., $$ K+{p\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over 2\,G(\tau)}d\tau\right)ds\over 2 \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds}\geq {p\over 4}\,\, {\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)}d\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds} \tag{3.5} $$ for $t$ sufficiently large. Let $$ S(t):=\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)} d\tau\right)ds. $$ Then by (3.4) and (3.5), $$ \left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\right)^{1/2}\left(\int_{T}^{t} {v^2(s)\over G(s)}ds\right)^{1/2}\geq {p\over 4}S(t) $$ which means %$$ %\int_{T}^{t}{v^2(s)\over G(s)}ds = S'(t)G(t) %$$ %and hence $$ \left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\right)^{1/2}\left(S'(t)G(t) \right)^{1/2}\geq {p\over 4}\,S(t), $$ and hence $$ {S'(t)\over S^2(t)} \geq {p^2\over 16\,G(t)\left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds\right)}. \tag{3.6} $$ Integrating (3.6) from $t_1$ ($>T$) to $t$, we have $$ {1\over S(t_1)}>{1\over S(t_1)}- {1\over S(t)}\geq {p^2\over 16}\,\text{ln\,}\left(\int_{t_1}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\right) \to \infty \quad \text{as}\quad t\to \infty, $$ which is a contradiction and completes the proof. \enddemo The opposite implication holds under a slightly stronger assumption than (3.3). We use the notation introduced in the previous theorem. \proclaim{Theorem 3.2} Suppose that $p\in (1,2]$, $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, equations {\rm (1.6) and (1.10)} are non-oscillatory, and {\rm (1.10)} possesses a solution $h$ satisfying {\rm (3.1)}. If $$ \int^\infty r^{1-q}(t)h^p(t)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,dt<\infty, \quad w_h:={r(t)\Phi_p(h')\over \Phi_p(h)} \tag{3.7} $$ for any solution $x$ of {\rm (1.6)} and $w$ given by {\rm (2.1)}, then %{\rm (3.2)} holds. $$ \lim_{t\to \infty} {1\over \int_{T}^{t} G^{-1}(s)\,ds}\int_{T}^{t} G^{-1}(s) \left[\int_{T}^{s}(c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau))h^p(\tau)\,d\tau\right] ds $$ exists and is finite. \endproclaim \demo{Proof} Suppose that (3.7) holds for any solution $x$ of (1.6) and associated solution $w$ of (1.9). Similar to the previous proof, we have $$ \align \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)v(s)ds&=\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\left[v(T)+{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}(c-\tilde c)h^pd\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \right] \\ &+\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s}{r^{1-q}(\tau)h^p(\tau) P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)}d\tau\right)ds. \endalign $$ %and by (2.1) %$$ %\align %{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)v(s)\,ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} %&\leq %v(T)+{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s} %(c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau))h^p(\tau)\,d\tau\right)ds\over %\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} %\\ %&+{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s}{v^2(\tau)\over G(\tau)}d\tau %\right)ds\over \int_T^t G^{-1}(s)\,ds}. %\endalign %$$ Divergence of the integral in (3.1) implies (by L'Hospital's rule) that $$ \gather \lim_{t\to \infty}{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s} r^{1-q}(\tau)h^p(\tau)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,d\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \\ =\int_{T}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(s)h^p(s)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,ds \endgather $$ exists and is finite, and by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, $$ \gather 0\leq {\left|\int_T^t G^{-1}(s)v(s)\,ds\right|\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} %\\ \leq {\left(\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds\right)^{1/2}\left( \int_{T}^{t}{v^2(s)\over G(s)}\,ds\right)^{1/2}\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds}. \endgather $$ Now, by Lemma 2.2, $$ \infty>\int^\infty r^{1-q}(s)h^p(s)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,ds\geq \int^\infty{v^2(s)\over G(s)}\,ds $$ and this implies $$ {\int_T^t G^{-1}(s)v(s)\,ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \to 0\quad \text{as }t\to \infty. $$ Consequently, $$ \gather \lim_{t\to \infty}{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s} (c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau))h^p(\tau)d\tau\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \\ =-v(T)-\int_{T}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(s)h^p(s)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,ds. %\geq -v(T)-\int_{T}^{\infty}{v^2(t)\over G(t)}dt>-\infty. \endgather $$ \enddemo \bigskip \head 4. Remarks and comments \endhead (i) If $p=2$, then Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 state the {\it equivalence} $$ \gathered \int_{}^{\infty}{v^2(t)\over G(t)}dt <\infty\quad \iff \\ \liminf_{t\to \infty}{\int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left( \int_{T}^{s}(c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau))h^p(\tau)\right)ds\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)ds}>-\infty \endgathered \tag{4.1} $$ and this statement agrees with the classical Hartman-Wintner theorem. Indeed, any non-oscillatory equation (1.10) possesses a so-called principal solution which is characterized by $$ \int_{}^{\infty}{1 \over r(t)h^2(t)}dt=\infty, $$ i.e., the integrand in this integral is just the function $G$, and hence (3.1) is automatically satisfied in the linear case. The transformation $x=h(t)y$ transforms (1.2) into the equation $$ (r(t)h^2(t)y')'+(c(t)-\tilde c(t))h^2(t)y=0 \tag{4.2} $$ since the identity $$ h(t)\left[(r(t)x')'+\tilde c(t)x\right]=(r(t)h^2(t)y')'+ h(t)\left[(r(t)h'(t))'+\tilde c(t)h(t)\right]y \tag{4.3} $$ holds, see e.g. \cite{1, Chap.~I}. Now, applying the ``linear'' Hartman-Wintner theorem to (4.2) and taking into account that $P(u,v)={1\over 2}(u-v)^2$ if $p=2$, we see that (4.1) really holds. \smallskip (ii) Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 concern only the case $p\in (1,2]$, due to the fact that for these $p$ inequalities (2.4) ``go in a favorable direction,'' as can be seen by a closer examination of the proof of these theorems. For $p>2$, these favorable inequalities are contained in (2.5), but we proved them in \cite{3} only under some restrictions on $u,v$; it is also the reason why we succeeded in proving Theorems 3.2 and 3.2 only for $p\in (1,2]$. Nevertheless, based on explicit computations for particular functions $r,c,\tilde c$ we believe that a Hartman-Wintner type statement extends also to the case $p>2$, and this leads us to the following conjecture. \proclaim{Conjecture 4.1} Suppose that $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, equations {\rm (1.6) and (1.10)} are non-oscillatory and {\rm (1.10)} possesses a solution $h$ satisfying {\rm (3.1)}. Then for any solution $x$ of {\rm (1.6)} and $w$ given by {\rm (2.1)} $$ \int_{}^{\infty}r^{1-q}(t)h^p(t)P(\Phi_q(w_h),w)\,dt<\infty,\quad w_h:={r(t)\Phi_p(h')\over\Phi_p(h)} $$ if and only if {\rm (3.2}) holds. \endproclaim \smallskip (iii) The assumption ``$c(t)\ne 0$ eventually'' in Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 is actually slightly stronger than necessary and it may be replaced by a weaker assumption that (1.10) possesses a solution $h$ such that $h'(t)\ne 0$ eventually. Indeed, if $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, then any non-oscillatory solution has the derivative eventually of one sign by the Rolle mean value theorem of differential calculus. We preferred here the stronger assumption $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ since it is easier to verify in particular cases. \smallskip (iv) The classical Hartman-Wintner theorem is closely related to the oscillation criterion for (1.2) with $\int^\infty r^{-1}(t)\,dt=\infty$ which states that this equation is oscillatory provided (1.4) holds and the limit of the expression in this liminf does not exist, i.e., ``$\limsup> \liminf$''. The direct half-linear extension of this statement can be found e.g. in \cite{2}. In our setting, when (1.6) is viewed as a perturbation of (1.10) with $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, we have not succeeded in proving a similar statement yet, but we believe that such a statement holds, and this leads us to the following conjecture which is closely related to Conjecture 4.1. \proclaim{Conjecture 4.2} Suppose that $\tilde c(t)\ne 0$ eventually, equation {\rm (1.10)} is non-oscillatory and possesses a solution $h$ satisfying {\rm (3.1)}. If $$ \liminf_{t\to \infty}{1\over \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\,ds} \int_{T}^{t}G^{-1}(s)\left(\int_{T}^{s} (c(\tau)-\tilde c(\tau)h^p(\tau)\,d\tau\right)ds>-\infty \tag{4.4} $$ and $\limsup$ of the above expression is greater than the $\liminf$, then {\rm (1.6)} is oscillatory. \endproclaim \smallskip \Refs \ref\no 1 \by W. A. Coppel \paperinfo {\it Disconjugacy}, Lectures Notes in Math. No. 220, Springer Verlag, Berlin 1971 \endref \smallskip \ref\no 2 \by M. Del Pino, M. Elgueta, R. Manasevich\paper Generalizing Hartman's oscillation result for\linebreak $(|x'|^{p-2}x')'+c(t)|x|^{p-2}x=0,$ $p>1$\jour Houston J. Math.\vol 17 \yr 1991\pages 63-70 \endref \smallskip \ref\no 3 \by O. Do\v sl\'y, \'A. Elbert\paper Integral characterization of principal solution of half-linear differential equations\paperinfo to appear in Studia Sci\. Math\. Hungar \endref \smallskip \ref\no 4 \by O. Do\v sl\'y, A. Lomtatidze\paper Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for half-linear differential equations\paperinfo submitted \endref \smallskip \ref\no 5 \by \'A.~Elbert \paper A half-linear second order differential equation \jour Colloq. Math. Soc. J\'anos Bolyai \vol 30 \yr1979 \pages158--180 \endref \smallskip \ref\no 6 \by P. Hartman\paperinfo {\it Ordinary Differential Equations}, J. Wiley, New York, 1964 \endref \smallskip \ref\no 7 \by J. Jaro\v s, T. Kusano\paper A Picone type identity for second order half-linear differential equations \jour Acta Math.~Univ. 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