Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 09 (2002), pp. 149-160. Title: Local and global nonexistence of solutions to semilinear evolution equations. Authors: Mohammed Guedda (Univ. de Picardie Jules Verne, France) Mokhtar Kirane (Univ. de La Rochelle Cedex, France) Abstract: For a fixed $ p $ and $ \sigma > -1 $, such that $ p >\max\{1,\sigma+1\}$, one main concern of this paper is to find sufficient conditions for non solvability of \[ u_t = -(-\Delta)^{\frac{\beta}{2}}u - V(x)u + t^\sigma h(x)u^p + W(x,t), \] posed in $ S_T:=\mathbb{R}^N\times(0,T)$, where $ 0 < T <+\infty$, $(-\Delta)^{\frac{\beta}{2}}$ with $ 0 < \beta \leq 2$ is the $\beta/2$ fractional power of the $ -\Delta$, and $ W(x,t) = t^\gamma w(x) \geq 0$. The potential $ V $ satisfies $ \limsup_{| x|\to +\infty }| V(x)| | x|^{a} < +\infty$, for some positive $ a$. We shall see that the existence of solutions depends on the behavior at infinity of both initial data and the function $h$ or of both $ w$ and $ h$. The non-global existence is also discussed. We prove, among other things, that if $ u_0(x) $ satisfies \[ \lim_{| x|\to+\infty}u_0^{p-1}(x) h(x)| x|^{(1+\sigma)\inf\{\beta,a\}} = +\infty, \] any possible local solution blows up at a finite time for any locally integrable function $W$. The situation is then extended to nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Published December 28, 2002. Math Subject Classifications: 35K55, 35K65, 35L60. Key Words: Parabolic inequality; hyperbolic equation; fractional power; Fujita-type result.