Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 09 (2002), pp. 183-202. Title: Nonlinear equations with natural growth terms and measure data. Authors: Alessio Porretta (Univ. di Roma, Tor Vergata, Roma, Italia) Abstract: We consider a class of nonlinear elliptic equations containing a $p$-Laplacian type operator, lower order terms having natural growth with respect to the gradient, and bounded measures as data. The model example is the equation $$ -\Delta_p(u) + g(u)|\nabla u|^p=\mu $$ in a bounded set $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$, coupled with a Dirichlet boundary condition. We provide a review of the results recently obtained in the absorption case (when $g(s)s\geq0$) and prove a new existence result without any sign condition on $g$, assuming only that $g\in L^1({\bf R})$. This latter assumption is proved to be optimal for existence of solutions for any measure $\mu$. Published December 28, 2002. Math Subject Classifications: 35J60, 35J65, 35R05. Key Words: Nonlinear elliptic equations; natural growth terms; measure data.