Electron. J. Differential Equations,
Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 256, pp. 1-22.
Uniqueness for cross-diffusion systems issuing from seawater
intrusion problems
Catherine Choquet, Ji Li, Carole Rosier
We consider a model mixing sharp and diffuse interface approaches
for seawater intrusion phenomenons in confined and unconfined aquifers.
More precisely, a phase field model is introduced in the boundary conditions
on the virtual sharp interfaces.
We thus include in the model the existence of diffuse transition zones but
we preserve the simplified structure allowing front tracking.
The three-dimensional problem then reduces to a two-dimensional
model involving a strongly coupled system of partial differential equations
of parabolic and elliptic type describing the evolution of the depth of the
interface between salt- and freshwater and the evolution of the freshwater
hydraulic head.
Assuming a low hydraulic conductivity inside the aquifer, we prove the
uniqueness of a weak solution for the model completed with initial and boundary
conditions. Thanks to a generalization of a Meyer's regularity result,
we establish that the gradient of the solution belongs to the space
r>2. This additional regularity combined with the Gagliardo-Nirenberg
inequality for r=4 allows to handle the nonlinearity of the system in
the proof of uniqueness.
Submitted July 8, 2016. Published October 11, 2017.
Math Subject Classifications: 35K51, 35K67, 35K57, 35A05, 76T05.
Key Words: Uniqueness; cross-diffusion system; nonlinear parabolic equations;
seawater intrusion.
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Catherine Choquet
Université de La Rochelle, MIA,
Avenue A. Einstein, F-17031, La Rochelle, France
email: cchoquet@univ-lr.fr
Ji Li
College of Mathematics and Statistics
Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
email: liji_maths@email.ctbu.edu.cn
Carole Rosier
ULCO, LMPA J. Liouville
BP 699, F-62 228 Calaism France
email: rosier@lmpa.univ-littoral.fr
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