Electron. J. Differential Equations,
Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 308, pp. 1-12.
Holder continuity for (p,q)-Laplace equations
that degenerate uniformly on part of the domain
Sarvan T. Huseynov
In this article we consider p(x)-Laplace equations with two-phase
degree p(x), taking two values p and q, when the boundary of
the phase interface is a hyperplane.
Assuming that in the part of the domain where q<p the equation
degenerates uniformly for a small parameter, Holder continuity
of the solution is established.
Submitted November 3, 2017. Published December 14, 2017.
Math Subject Classifications: 35J92, 35J65, 35J70, 35J62.
Key Words: (p,q)-Laplacian; elliptic equation; Holder continuity.
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Sarvan T. Huseynov
Baku State University
Baku, Azerbaijan
email: sarvanhuseynov@rambler.ru
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