Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2018 (2018), No. 34, pp. 1-13.

Variational methods for Kirchhoff type problems with tempered fractional derivative

Nemat Nyamoradi, Yong Zhou, Bashir Ahmad, Ahmed Alsaedi

In this article, using variational methods, we study the existence of solutions for the Kirchhoff-type problem involving tempered fractional derivatives
 M \Big(\int_{\mathbb{R}} |\mathbb{D}_+^{\alpha, \lambda} u (t)|^2 dt\Big)
 \mathbb{D}_-^{\alpha, \lambda} (\mathbb{D}_+^{\alpha, \lambda} u (t))
 = f (t, u (t)), \quad t \in \mathbb{R},\cr
 u \in W_\lambda^{\alpha, 2} (\mathbb{R}),
where $\mathbb{D}_{\pm}^{\alpha, \lambda} u (t)$ are the left and right tempered fractional derivatives of order $\alpha \in (1/2,1]$, $\lambda> 0$, $W_\lambda^{\alpha, 2} (\mathbb{R})$ represent the fractional Sobolev space, $f \in C (\mathbb{R} \times
\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R})$ and $M \in C (\mathbb{R}^+, \mathbb{R}^+)$.

Submitted September 6, 2017. Published January 24, 2018.
Math Subject Classifications: 26A63, 34A38, 35A45.
Key Words: Tempered fractional calculus; Kirchhoff type problems; Variational methods.

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Nemat Nyamoradi
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Razi University
Kermanshah 67149, Iran
email: neamat80@yahoo.com
Yong Zhou
Faculty of Mathematics and Computational Science
Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105, China
email: yzhou@xtu.edu.cn
Bashir Ahmad
Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NAAM) Research Group
Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
email: bashirahmad_qau@yahoo.com
Ahmed Alsaedi
Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NAAM) Research Group
Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
email: aalsaedi@hotmail.com

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