Proceedings of Nonlinear Differential Equations,
a conference celebrating the sixtieth birthday of Alan C. Lazer
On Friday and Saturday, January 8 and 9, 1999, the Department of
Mathematics at the University of Miami was pleased to host Nonlinear
Differential Equations: A Meeting in Honor of Professor Alan Lazer on the
Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Colleagues from all over the United States as
well as from Canada, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Colombia,
Venezuela, Brazil and Australia joined us in celebrating the remarkable life and
accomplishments of Professor Lazer. For two glorious days - "like a dream" in
Professor Lazer's own words - we enjoyed over sixty scientific talks, topped off
by a lovely and moving banquet at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables on Saturday
The Conference featured 4 principal speakers, 4 special sessions, and a
number of contributed talks. The principal speakers were Professors Paul
Rabinowitz, Klaus Schmitt, Joe McKenna and Chris Cosner. The special sessions
and their organizers were as follows: Dynamical Systems (Huseyin Kocak and Ken
Palmer), Critical Point Theory (Daniela Lupo), Population Dynamics (Hal Smith)
and Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems (Alfonso Castro and Ratsingham Shivaji).
We especially thank Alfonso Castro for serving as co-organizer of the
Conference and for making the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
available to us as an outlet for this referred Conference Proceedings. We thank
Jean Mawhin for serving ever so urbanely as the master of ceremonies at the
banquet. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the
Department of Mathematics of the University of Miami, the College of Arts and
Sciences of the University of Miami, and the National Science Foundation through
grant INT-9805564 without which the conference could not have been held.
Following is a list of the Conference Participants with affiliations and
title of talk when applicable. In the following, (P) denotes a principal
lecture, (S) denotes a special session presentation and (C) denotes a
contributed talk.
Conference Participants
- Walter Allegretto, University of Alberta,
Principal eigenvalues and Sturm comparison via Picone's identity (S)
- Eric J. Avila, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan
- Peter Bates, Brigham Young University,
Multi-peaked solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation (S)
- Flaviano Battelli, University of Ancona, Italy,
On the existence of singular ground states for the scalar curvature
equation (S)
- Robert Berry, University of Houston
- Juan Campos, University of Granada, Spain
- Stephen Cantrell, University of Miami
- Alfonso Castro, University of North Texas,
Critical point theory and the number of solutions to a nonlinear
Dirichlet problem (S)
- Chen Chang, University of Texas at San Antonio
A potential condition for doubly periodic solutions of 4-th order
semilinear P.D.E. (C)
- Maya Chhetri, Mississippi State University,
An existence result for a class of superlinear p-Laplacian semipositone
systems (C)
- Yung S. Choi, University of Connecticut,
Positive solutions to aniostropic quasilinear elliptic problems (C)
- Brian Coomes, University of Miami
- Chris Cosner, University of Miami,
Contributions of A.C. Lazer to mathematical population dynamics (P)
- Jorge Cossio, University of Texas at San Antonio,
Sign-changing solutions for asymptotically linear Dirichlet problems
- David G. Costa, University of Nevada - Las Vegas,
On the sign of the mountain-pass solution (S)
- Daniel Daners, Brigham Young University,
Perturbation of weighted periodic-parabolic eigenvalue problems (C)
- Yihong Du, University of New England, Australia,
Blow-up solutions for a class of elliptic and parabolic equations (C)
- Le Dung, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Coexistence with chemotaxis (C)
- Argemiro Echeverri, Universidad Nacional, Colombia
- Sean F. Ellermeyer, Kennesaw State University,
Competition in a chemostat with time varying nutrient input (C)
- Marcel Finan, University of Texas at San Antonio,
Existence of many sign-changing nonradial solutions to a superlinear Dirichlet problem
on annular domains (C)
- Herb Freedman, University of Alberta,
Competition models of cancer treatment (S)
- Thomas Gard, University of Georgia,
Transient dynamics in stochastic population models: Multiple Liapunov functions and
first exit tendencies (S)
- Jose Valdo Goncalves, Universidade de Brasilia,
Discontinuous semilinear elliptic problems (C)
- Jack Hale, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mehran Hassanpour, South Texas Community College
- Stuart Hastings, University of Pittsburgh,
On the global bifurcation diagram of the one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model of
superconductivity (S)
- Jon Jacobsen, University of Utah,
Bifurcations problems associated with Monge-Ampere operators (C)
- Robert Kelley, University of Miami
- Peter Kloeden, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Germany,
Lyapunov functions for pullback attractors in nonautonomous dynamical
systems (S)
- Huseyin Kocak, University of Miami, A universal simulator for dynamical systems (S)
- Philip Korman, University of Cincinnati,
Curves of sign-changing solutions for semilinear problems (S)
- Hugo Leiva, Universidad De Los Andes, Venezuela,
Existence of bounded solutions of a second order abstract differential
equations (C)
- Anthony W. Leung, University of Cincinnati,
Bifurcation of reaction-diffusion systems related to epidemics (S)
- Xiao-Biao Lin, North Carolina State University,
Rankine-Hugoniot condition and shock solutions for quasilinear hyperbolic
systems (S)
- David Loper, Florida State University,
A simple solution to a difficult free-boundary problem (C)
- Julian Lopez-Gomez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
The existence of metasolutions for a class of semilinear elliptic
boundary value problems (S)
- Guozhen Lu, Wright State University
- Daniela Lupo, Politecnico di Milano,
A dual variational approach to a class of nonlocal semilinear Tricomi
problems (S)
- Jean Mawhin, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium,
Recent developments in Landesman-Lazer conditions for nonlinear boundary value
problems (S)
- Joseph McKenna, University of Connecticut,
From semilinear elliptic to Tacoma: A bridge to the new milennium (P)
- Anna Maria Micheletti, Universita di Pisa, Italy
On the number of solutions for a class of fourth order elliptic problems
- P.S. Milojevic, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Existence and the number of solutions of nonresonant semilinear equations and
applications to BVP's (C)
- Konstantin Mischaikow, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Construction of symbolic dynamics from experimental time series (S)
- Victor H. Moll, Tulane University,
McKean's caricature in two space dimensions (C)
- Francisco Montes de Oca, University of North Texas,
Existence and stability of periodic solutions in a Riccati equation (C)
- Kristen Moore, University of Connecticut,
Large amplitude torsional oscillations in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (C)
- Jaime Navarro, Universidad del Valle de Mexico
- Donald B. Olson, University of Miami,
The effects of structure on population dynamics: time-dependent coefficients and stage
induced initial conditions (C)
- Rafael Ortega, Universidad Nacional, Spain,
Twist dynamics in a piecewise linear oscillator (S)
- Tiancheng Ouyang, Brigham Young University
- Kenneth Palmer, University of Miami
- Kevin Payne, Politecnico di Milano
- Sergei S. Pilyugin, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Sergei Y. Pilyugin, St. Petersburg State University,
Attractors of parabolic PDEs and of their discretizations (S)
- Jose R. Quintero, University of Maryland,
Two-dimensional solitary waves for a Benney-Luke equation (C)
- Paul Rabinowitz, University of Wisconsin,
Connecting orbits for a class of Lagrangian systems (P)
- James H. Roberds, Southern Institute of Forest Genetics
- Stephen Robinson, Wake Forest University,
Resonance problems for the p-Laplacian (S)
- Klaus Schmitt, University of Utah,
Perturbations of nonlinear elliptic operators at resonance (P)
- Sebastian J. Schreiber, Western Washington University,
Necessary and sufficient conditions for Cr robust permanence (C)
- James Selgrade, North Carolina State University,
Stability and bifurcation for a discrete migration model with density-dependent
selection (C)
- Junping Shi, Tulane University,
Exact multiplicity of solutions to sublinear and superlinear problems (C)
- Ratsingham Shivaji, Mississippi State University,
A note on the positivity of nonnegative solutions for semipositone
problems (S)
- Hal Smith, Arizona State University,
A mathematical model of microbial growth and competition in a plug flow reactor: a
model for the gut (S)
- Angel Soriano, Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Mexico,
Existence of solutions from dynamic programming to some Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equations with a nonlinear mixed boundary condition (C)
- Gregory Spradlin, United States Military Academy,
A singularly perturbed elliptic partial differential equation with an almost periodic
term (C)
- Ivar Stakgold, University of Delaware,
Gas-solid reaction with porosity change (C)
- Eric Stemmons, Arizona State University,
Competition in a chemostat with wall growth (C)
- Roberto A. Sussman, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM,
The geodesic convergences of spacetime manifolds seen as dynamical systems: a
covariant approach to chaos in general relativity (C)
- Susanna Terracini, Politecnico di Milano,
Remarks on the use of the maximum principle in critical point theory (S)
- Horst R. Thieme, Arizona State University,
Endemic models with arbitrarily distributed periods of infection (S)
- Alexander Tovbis, University of Central Florida,
Deterministic chaos and analysis of singularities (C)
- Erik Van Vleck, Colorado School of Mines,
Improved numerical shadowing using componentwise bounds and a sharper fixed point
result (S)
- Vladimir Varlamov, Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria,
Long time asymptotic expansion for the damped Boussinesq equation (C)
- Jose Velasquez, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
- Zhi Qiang Wang, Brigham Young University,
Strong resonant problems for elliptic Dirichlet problems (C)
- James Ward, University of Alabama-Birmingham,
Bounded solutions of differential equations (S)
- Fabio Zanolin, Universita di Udine, Italy,
Positive solutions for elliptic problems under oscillatory-type
conditions on the potential (S)
- Mary Lou Zeeman, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio,
Geometric methods in competitive Lotka-Volterra systems (S)
Special Issue Editors
Chris Cosner
Department of Mathematics
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124
e-mail: |
Stephen Cantrell
Department of Mathematics
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124
e-mail: |
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