Submissions: Please submit the PDF file of your manuscript via In your message to the editor, please indicate 3 possible referees whose areas of research are closely related to the topic of your manuscript. If we do not confirm that your manuscript was received (within a week), please send a message to the managing editors.
Authors should write their manuscripts in English. We recommend following the guidelines in "How to write mathematics" by Paul Halmos, Enseignement Math. (2) 16 1970 123--152; also in "Writing Mathematical Papers in English, a practical guide" by Jerzey Trzeciak, European Mathematical Society, 1995. Please
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To aid in dissemination, please include the following: Mathematics Subject Classification numbers, key words, author's e-mail address, and an abstract no longer than twelve lines. Whenever possible use words rather than symbols in the abstract and the title.
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Peer review process: Manuscript will sent to referees (their names remain confidential.) with the statement "The EJDE accepts only original work containing new results (or techniques) that are correct, nontrivial, and of some interest to Mathematicians." Then the managing editors decide on the acceptance/rejection of the manuscript. After acceptance, manuscripts will be modified to agree with our journal style, and the authors will be asked to proofread the final version before posting the article. Authors hold their copyrights. The EJDE applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to all articles.
Once articles have been published they cannot be removed or modified. However, authors may provide corrections or additional information by attaching addenda/corrigenda to their articles. The addendum can include references and links to other articles.
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The authors will be asked to send photograph(s) to be displayed with the abstract. Photographs should be sent as PNG orJPG files. Alternatively, authors can indicate a web page where to find their photographs.
For further information about the EJDE, please contact the managing editors. Zhaosheng Feng:, Julio G. Dix:, Alfonso Castro: