Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2024 (2024), No. 40, pp. 1-16.

Nonexistence results for fractional differential inequalities

Jeffrey R. L. Webb

We prove nonexistence of global solution of fractional differential inequalities of the form \(D^{\alpha}u(t) \ge \lambda t^{\beta}|u(t)|^{p}\) when \(p>1\) for each of the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives. This is motivated by work of Laskri and Tatar (Comput. Math.\Appl. (2010)) and Shan and Lv (Filomat (2024)). The result of Laskri-Tatar was claimed to be false by Zhang, Liu, Wu and Cui (J. Funct. Spaces (2017)) with a correction and counter-example. We show that the counter-example and the claims are not accurate. We use a different method to that of Laskri and Tatar, our result supports the one of Laskri and Tatar. We also improve on the result in Shan and Lv paper by considering a more general problem and giving a more precise conclusion.

Submitted March 25, 2024. Published July 30, 2024.
Math Subject Classifications: 34A08, 34A40, 45D05.
Key Words: Fractional differential equations; non-existence; Volterra integral equation.
DOI: 10.58997/ejde.2024.40w

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Jeffrey R. L. Webb
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8SQ, UK
email: jeffrey.webb@glasgow.ac.uk

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