Electron. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 2025 (2025), No. 07, pp. 1-19.

Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for an asymptotically linear and nonlocal schrodinger equation

Ruowen Qiu, Renqing You, Fukun Zhao

In this article, we consider the nonlocal schr\"odinger equation $$ -\mathcal{L}_K u+V(x)u=f(x,u),\quad x\in\mathbb{R}^N, $$ where \(-\mathcal{L}_K\) is an integro-differential operator and \(V\) is coercive at infinity, and \(f(x,u)\) is asymptotically linear for \(u\) at infinity. Combining minimax method and invariant set of descending flow, we prove that the problem possesses infinitely many sign-changing solutions.

Submitted September 9, 2024. Published January 15, 2025.
Math Subject Classifications: 35R11, 35A15, 35B28.
Key Words: Sign-changing solution; integro-differential operator; invariant set; variational method.
DOI: 10.58997/ejde.2025.07

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Ruowen Qiu
Department of Mathematics
Yunnan Normal University
Kunming, 650221, China
email: 1239814486@qq.com
Renqing You
Department of Mathematics
Yunnan Normal University
Kunming, 650221, China
email: 1768332868@qq.com
Fukun Zhao
Department of Mathematics
Yunnan Normal University
Kunming, 650221, China
email: fukunzhao@163.com

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