Third International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences.
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Conference 27 (2024), pp. 49-62.

Asymptotic stability for Hilfer-like nabla nonlinear fractional difference equations

Anshul Sharma, Suyash Narayan Mishra, Anurag Shukla

This article examines the asymptotic stability of nonlinear fractional difference equations with a Hilfer-like nabla operator. The results for a Hilfer-type nabla fractional difference that contains Riemann-Liouville and Caputo nabla difference as a particular case. We use Picard's iteration and a fixed point theorem to obtain results on existence and uniqueness. To obtain the main results, we use linear a scalar fractional difference equality, discrete comparison principle, and basics of difference equations. We also present a Lyapunov second direct method for nonlinear discrete fractional systems. We also discus stability results with some numerical examples.

Published August 20, 2024.
Math Subject Classifications: 34D20, 26A33, 39A30.
Key Words: Hilfer-like nabla operator; asymptotic stability; fractional difference equations; Lyapunov direct method.
DOI: 10.58997/ejde.conf.27.s1

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Anshul Sharma
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Lucknow-226027, Uttar Pradesh, India
Suyash Narayan Mishra
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Lucknow-226027, Uttar Pradesh, India
Anurag Shukla
Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities
Rajkiya Engineering College
Kannauj-209732, Uttar Pradesh, India

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